How to Get Rid of Pests with Vicks Vaporub? 

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Are you sick of sharing your space with creepy crawlies?

Fear no more! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping revelation as we unveil the extraordinary pest-fighting abilities of none other than Vicks Vaporub.

Say hello to a bug-free sanctuary by learning our top-secret technique using this everyday remedy.

Trust us! You won’t believe your eyes! From fleas to mosquitoes, watch as this magical ointment becomes your secret weapon against unwanted intruders.

Don’t miss out on this epic battle between Vicks and pests. Are you ready for some pest-pummeling action? Watch now to witness the ultimate bug-slaying showdown! 

What is Vicks Vaporub? 

Vicks Vaporub is a famous ointment with a strong menthol scent.

It is an over-the-counter topical ointment that typically comes in a small, round container and can easily fit in the palm of your hand.

The ointment itself has a thick consistency and is greasy to the touch. Its main ingredients include camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol.

Many people use Vicks to relieve congestion and cough due to the common cold or other respiratory ailments. Aside from its primary use as a decongestant, Vicks Vaporub has various other uses.

It is an excellent insect repellent due to its strong scent, particularly against mosquitoes and flies. The potent menthol scent is a natural deterrent for insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and ants. 

What are the Ways to Exterminate Pests with Vicks Vaporub? 

1. Bedbugs 

Bedbugs are some of the most stubborn and challenging pests in a home.

These tiny parasites have become a significant concern in recent years due to their ability to spread rapidly and infest even the cleanest of homes.

While they may not be deadly traditionally, bedbugs can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. These reactions can range from mild irritation and itching to severe symptoms such as blistering and difficulty breathing.

An effective home remedy to eliminate bedbugs is using Vicks Vaporub.

This mentholated ointment contains ingredients like camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol that repel insects. To use Vicks Vaporub against bedbugs – apply a generous amount of the ointment on the areas where you suspect their presence.

These areas include the mattress, headboard, and any crevices or cracks in your bed frame. The smell of Vicks Vaporub deters these pests and can help keep them away from your sleeping area.

Another way to use Vicks Vaporub is to apply it to your hands, feet, neck, and other exposed skin area before bed.

If you get bitten by bedbugs or experience itching due to their presence, rub a small amount of the ointment on the affected area.

The cooling properties of menthol will relieve irritation and reduce swelling caused by these bites. 

2. Mosquitoes 

Mosquitoes are annoying pests that can invade our homes and outdoor spaces.

These tiny insects cause itchy bites and pose significant health risks as they can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.

Many people turn to Vicks Vaporub to eliminate mosquitoes. Vicks Vaporub contains ingredients like menthol, camphor, and eucalyptus oil that give off a strong smell.

This scent is a natural deterrent for mosquitoes.

Apply a small amount of Vicks Vaporub on exposed skin or clothing to keep mosquitoes at bay during outdoor activities. Besides, you can place an open jar of Vicks Vaporub near windows or doorways to repel these pesky insects from entering your home. 

3. Fleas 

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that thrive on the blood of mammals and birds.

They are notorious for infesting homes, especially in warm and humid climates.

Flea infestations can be a nightmare for pet owners, as these tiny pests bite humans and cause discomfort and health issues to pets like dogs and cats.

However, natural remedies like Vicks Vaporub can help combat fleas! The ointment primarily serves as a topical ointment to relieve congestion and cough.

But it turns out this versatile product is an effective tool against fleas. The menthol scent of Vicks acts as a deterrent for fleas, preventing them from jumping onto your pets or furniture.

Apply a small amount of Vicks to your pet’s collar or bedding.

You can also rub some Vicks Vaporub on your dog’s skin if they get bitten by these insects. In addition to its repellent properties, Vicks Vaporub can kill fleas due to ingredients like camphor and eucalyptus oil.

These active compounds have insecticidal properties that can suffocate these pesky critters on contact. 

how to get rid of pests with vicks vaporub

4. Ants 

Ants are infamous household pests that can be a source of annoyance and frustration.

They often invade homes in search of food and water, leaving behind trails of pheromones for others to follow. While various methods can eliminate ants, Vicks Vaporub is an unexpected yet effective solution.

The strong scent and ingredients in the ointment are a deterrent for ants, making it an affordable and readily available option for pest control.

Apply a small amount around entry points such as windowsills, doorways, or any areas where you have noticed ant activity. The potent smell will disrupt their pheromone trails and discourage them from entering your home.

In addition, you can place cotton balls soaked in Vicks Vaporub near ant nests or along their pathways to deter them. 

5. Spiders 

Spiders are common pests that invade homes and cause discomfort. While most spiders are harmless, their presence can still be unsettling for many people.

Fortunately, several natural remedies can help you rid your home of spiders, one of which is using Vicks Vaporub. Vicks Vaporub contains ingredients that have strong odors that repel spiders.

To use Vicks Vaporub as a spider repellent – apply a small amount around window sills, doorways, and other entry points where spiders might enter your home.

The pungent smell will deter them from crossing these barriers and keep them out of your living spaces. You can place cotton balls soaked in Vicks Vaporub in corners or areas where you frequently spot spiders.

Spiders rely heavily on their sense of smell to navigate and find prey. Overpowering their olfactory senses with the pungent aroma of Vicks Vaporub can make your home less appealing for these arachnids to inhabit. 

6. Mice and rats 

Mice and rats can cause significant damage to property and pose health risks. Vicks Vaporub is a popular remedy used to alleviate cold symptoms, but did you know it is an effective remedy for repelling these pesky rodents?

The strong scent of Vicks Vaporub is a natural deterrent for mice and rats, making them less likely to enter your home or infest your pantry.

One way to use Vicks Vaporub to discourage mice and rats is to place small amounts of the ointment along their usual entry points, such as cracks or holes in walls.

The pungent smell will create an unpleasant environment for the rodents, forcing them to seek shelter elsewhere. You can also soak cotton balls with Vicks Vaporub and scatter them around areas where mice and rats are present.

This method will keep these unwanted guests away and leave a fresh scent in your home. While Vicks Vaporub may help deter mice and rats, address any underlying issues that attract these pests in the first place.

Remove food sources by sealing containers and cleaning crumbs or spills. Finally, inspect your home for potential entry points that need sealing or repair. 

7. Fruit flies 

Fruit flies can quickly become a nuisance in homes and other spaces. These tiny insects are attracted to ripe or decaying fruits, vegetables, and sugary substances like juice or soda.

The presence of fruit flies can be bothersome in the kitchen, contaminating food and spreading bacteria. An effective remedy to eliminate these flies is Vicks Vaporub.

Place a small amount of Vicks Vaporub on surfaces or near areas where fruit flies gather to deter them. While Vicks Vaporub can relieve you from fruit flies, it is crucial to identify their breeding grounds and eliminate any potential food sources or breeding sites.

Practice good hygiene by cleaning spills and disposing of trash to prevent fruit fly populations from thriving in your home. 

8. Snails and slugs 

Snails and slugs are infamous garden pests that can wreak havoc on plants and flowers.

These slimy creatures feed on the leaves, stems, and even fruits of plants, causing damage to gardens. However, you can combat these pests using an unexpected remedy – Vicks Vaporub.

One way to use Vicks Vaporub as a deterrent for snails and slugs is to create a barrier around your garden or specific plant.

Apply a thin layer of the ointment onto the soil around the base of your plants. The potent menthol scent in Vicks Vaporub will repel these pests, preventing them from crawling over it and reaching your beloved plants. 


Not only is Vicks Vaporub a remedy for cold and congestion. But also a secret weapon against pesky pests. Its potent blend of ingredients repels insects like mosquitoes and ants and tackles unwanted critters like spiders and mice.

From applying it to windowsills to rubbing it on door frames, there are countless ways to use this magical ointment to create a pest-free environment.

So next time you find yourself battling an army of bugs or dealing with unwelcome guests in your home, try Vicks Vaporub. Trust us! Those pests will run for the hills faster than you can say goodbye! 

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