8 Things that guinea pigs hate

guinea pig

Do you have a guinea pig? If so, you know that they can be quite the handful at times. They are very active and playful, and they love to explore their surroundings. But there are also a few things that guinea pigs hate – things you should keep in mind if you want to make sure your guinea pig is happy and healthy. This video will discuss some of the things that guinea pigs hate and how to avoid them!

1. Guinea pigs hate being held

Guinea Pigs are very delicate creatures, and they don’t like being held. They will squirm and try to get away if you hold them too tight. If you need to pick up your guinea pig, do it gently and support their body with your hand. Avoid picking them up by their legs, as this can cause injury. Let your guinea pig come to you when they want to be held, rather than forcing the issue. They will likely sit in your lap when ready for some cuddles!

There are a few exceptions to this rule – if your guinea pig is injured or sick, you may need to pick them up to take them to the vet. Be sure to hold them gently and support their body in these cases. Guinea pigs also don’t like being picked up by their tails. It can be excruciating for them, and it’s best to avoid it altogether. If you must pick up your guinea pig by its tail, do it carefully and support its body with your other hand.

Finally, guinea pigs hate being handled roughly. They are delicate creatures, and any rough handling can cause them injury. So if you need to pick up or move your guinea pig, be sure to do it gently and with care. The bottom line is that guinea pigs hate being held – so unless it’s necessary, try to let them come to you when they want some cuddles.

2. Guinea pigs hate loud noises

Guinea pigs are susceptible to sound, and they hate loud noises. If there is a loud noise near your guinea pig, they will likely startle and try to get away from it. It can be anything from a vacuum cleaner to a car horn.

Loud noises can be very stressful for guinea pigs, so it’s best to avoid them. If you must make a loud noise near your guinea pig, make sure to do it gradually so they can get used to it. And if you know that there will be a loud noise in the area, try to warn them so they can prepare themselves for it. You can also reduce the noise by moving them to another room or using earplugs.

3. Guinea pigs hate being alone

Guinea pigs are social creatures, and they hate being left alone. They much prefer to be around other guinea pigs or humans. If you leave them alone for too long, they will likely get bored and depressed.


To avoid this, make sure to spend some time with your guinea pig every day. Let them out of their cage so they can explore and play. And if you’re going to be away from home for a while, make sure to put another guinea pig in their cage, so they have someone to keep them company. Guinea pigs also like to cuddle, so give them plenty of hugs and kisses!

Bottom line – don’t forget about your guinea pig! Make sure to spend some time with them every day, and never leave them alone for too long.

4. Guinea pigs hate being in the dark

Guinea pigs are susceptible to light, and they don’t like being in the dark. They will likely hide away and not come out if it’s too dark.

To avoid this, keep their cage in a well-lit area. You can also put a nightlight in your guinea pig’s cage so they can see if it gets too dark. If you’re going to be away from home for a while, leave the lights on. So they don’t have to worry about the darkness.

Bottom line – guinea pigs hate being in the dark, so keep their cage in a well-lit area.

5. Guinea pigs hate being exposed to cold

Guinea pigs are susceptible to temperature, and they don’t like being in the cold. If it’s too cold, they will likely shiver and may even go into shock.

To avoid this, keep their cage in a warm area. You can also put a blanket in the cage to stay warm if it gets too cold. If you’re going to be away from home for a while, turn the heat on. This way, they don’t have to worry about the cold.

Bottom line – guinea pigs hate being in the cold, so keep their cage in a warm area.

6. Guinea pigs hate strong smells

Guinea pigs have a very keen sense of smell, and they hate strong smells. If there is a strong smell near your guinea pig, they will likely start to sneeze and try to get away from it.

Strong smells can irritate guinea pigs, so it’s best to avoid them. If you must use a strong-smelling product near your guinea pig, do it in a well-ventilated area and with caution. You can also reduce the smell by using a weaker product version or diluting it with water.

Bottom line – guinea pigs hate strong smells, so it’s best to avoid them if possible.

7. Guinea pigs hate being in small, enclosed spaces

Guinea pigs hate being in small, enclosed spaces. If they are in a small area, they will likely start to feel claustrophobic and try to get out.

To avoid this, keep their cage in a large area. You can also put some toys and hideaways in their cage so they can have some fun and explore. And if you’re going to be away from home for a while, make sure to leave their cage door open, so they don’t feel trapped.

Bottom line – guinea pigs hate being in small, enclosed spaces, so keep their cage in a large area.

8. Guinea pigs also hate sudden changes

If you move their cage to a new location, they will likely get scared and try to hide. Make sure to slowly move the cage over time so your guinea pig can get used to the new location. You can put some familiar objects in their new cage, so they feel more comfortable. Another way to slowly move their cage is to put it in a new room for a few days and then slowly move your guinea pig closer to the location you want it to be in.

Bottom line – guinea pigs hate sudden changes, so make sure to move their cage over time slowly.

Final Words

These are just a few of the things that guinea pigs hate. Keep these in mind, and you’ll have a happy and healthy guinea pig! Thanks for watching!

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