How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs at Home Using Home Remedies

bed bug home remedies

Bed bugs are a common household pest. They can be challenging to get rid of using home remedies, but this article will show you how.

We will show you the best home remedies for getting rid of bed bugs and how to use them effectively.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They can be found anywhere there is a human population, but they are most common in places like hotels, apartments, and hostels.

The bugs are about the size of an apple seed and can be found in different colors. They feed on humans at night and tend to hide during the day.

Bed Bug Bites 

Bed bug bites can be very painful. Bed bug bites can cause a rash, swelling, and itchy red bumps.

Many people think they will only get a small red spot or itchy skin mark when bitten by bed bugs, which is rarely the case.

Bed bugs have been known to crawl up the skin of the legs and arms and bite you at night. The good news is that bed bug bites do not spread diseases or infections like some other insects do. 

What are Bed Bug Killers?

There are a variety of home remedies for getting rid of bed bugs. The most common bed bug killers are pesticides, insecticides, and dust that kill bed bugs upon contact.

These products tend to be less effective if they are not used correctly and can even be hazardous to human health. We have various home remedies for bed bugs that are safe, effective, and inexpensive.

Below are the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs:

1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural sedimentary rock made of the remains of tiny animals called diatoms.

The diatoms are hardened into a powder and can be used to kill bed bugs, fleas, roaches, termites, and other pests.

This powder is so fine that the bed bugs can not burrow through it. Therefore, it will be difficult for them to survive. The diatomaceous earth is harmless if not misused.

It can be hazardous if it contacts your skin or comes in contact with eyes, mouth, or wounds. So, ensure you keep it out of children’s reach.

2. Ammonia

Ammonia is a common household chemical that can be used to disinfect and kill bed bugs. You can use ammonia in your treatment or as a preventive measure.

Ammonia is typically sold by gallon, so you need about two gallons for this treatment. If the bug infestation is severe, you may need more.

Mix the ammonia in hot water. Hot water will make it easier for the bug to drown and kill. Add about a half cup of ammonia to every gallon of water in your spray bottle.

The mixture should be hot enough to make the water steam. When you’re done, wash your hands thoroughly. Ensure that all bug remnants are removed from your home or hotel room.

3. Hot water wash

To kill bed bugs, you can use hot water. Soak your bedding in hot water for several hours. Not only will this help to kill the bed bugs, but it will also make them easier to see and remove.

It will ensure a clean environment for your guests to sleep in. You will need to wash your bedding, including sheets, blankets, comforters, and pillows.

4. Vacuum Cleaner

Cleaners are supposed to be the most effective bed bug killer. There is no need to spray them with chemicals or try other methods when you can use a vacuum cleaner.

You can use a regular vacuum cleaner or invest in a more expensive one to do the job better. Ensure that the plug is securely plugged into an outlet and turned on. It will ensure that your vacuum cleaner works appropriately.

When you clean your mattress and bed, don’t forget about the other accessories and furniture used for sleeping.

Vacuum every inch of your floors, baseboards, frames, and curtains to eliminate possible hiding spots.

bedbug remedies

How to get rid of bed bugs using a vacuum cleaner?

  • You can use your vacuum cleaner’s nozzle to suck up all the dust and debris on your mattress. It will catch any bed bugs and other insects and pests such as roaches, ants, bees, and mites hiding in your mattress.
  • Vacuum your mattress thoroughly. It would be best to vacuum the mattress from top to bottom and from side to side.
  • Vacuum up any crumbs or other food particles that may have fallen on your mattress surface during the day.
  • Vacuum your mattress upholstery. If you are suffering from an infestation, it is crucial to vacuum the surface of your mattress and all the crevices that may be hiding pests.
  • Vacuum your floor and any furniture in your room.

5. Remove all clothing and wash everything that has come into contact with the bed.

Dry your entire bedroom thoroughly. Make sure that everything is dry before you sleep in it again. Wash your sheets, mattress cover, and pillowcases.

If your bed has a fitted sheet, remove it from the bed and wash it separately. Wash each pillowcase separately as well. Use mite and dust mite-resistant sheets that are not treated with pesticides.

6. Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar is a great natural product that can kill bed bugs. It has many uses in the kitchen, but it is also effective when getting rid of bed bugs.

It would help if you mixed some vinegar with your regular dishwashing liquid. You will then apply this mixture to where you see bed bugs. It is crucial that you do it every night and leave it overnight.

The next day, you should wash the whole area with soapy water. You can mix some baking soda in vinegar to make it more effective. Some people also use salt to make their vinegar more effective.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another natural product that can kill bed bugs effectively. It can also help you eliminate other bugs that may be present. It would be best if you used a tea tree oil spray.

You should mix it with water and apply this mixture to your bed. Use the mixture every night until you see the bed bugs die.

8. Clove Oil

Clove oil is another effective solution to kill bed bugs. You should use clove oil in a spray bottle and mix it with water. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil or lavender essential oil to the mixture.

These solutions can also help you eliminate other bugs present in your bed.

Final Words

There are several natural solutions that you can use to get rid of bed bugs. You can apply these solutions differently depending on your preferences and needs.

You should also ensure that you do not use any chemicals or sprays with harmful ingredients. You must always use natural products to help get rid of bed bugs.

This act will ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones in the home.