How to Use Boric Acid to Eliminate Pests Around the House?

boric acid for pests

Are you looking for a way to eliminate pests in your home without using harsh chemicals?

Look no further than boric acid!

It’s an inexpensive household item that can exterminate various pests.

We will show you how to use boric acid to get rid of ants, cockroaches, and other pesky critters. So watch now and learn how to keep your home pest-free naturally!

What is Boric Acid?

Boric acid is a white, crystalline, solid substance with a weakly acidic pH. It comprises mainly of the mineral boron and features in various manufacturing processes.

This substance has a slightly sweet taste. It is insoluble in water and has a melting point of 170°C. Boric acid commonly serves as an antiseptic, insecticide, antifungal agent, and preservative.

When used as an insecticide, it acts as a stomach poison to kill insects by dehydrating them.

The insecticide properties of boric acid make it effective against ants, cockroaches, termites, silverfish, and other household pests.

Boric acid is present in many products, including roach baits, dust, aerosolizations, and gels.

What are the Ways to Use Boric Acid for Pest Control?

1. Bedbugs

Bedbugs are one of the most feared pests in the world.

They are tiny, blood-sucking insects that can cause a great deal of discomfort and even lead to serious health problems.

However, there is a way to get rid of bedbugs without harsh chemicals or expensive pest control services. Boric acid is a natural substance that can kill bed bugs quickly and effectively.

Here’s how to use boric acid to eliminate bedbugs around your home: Start by vacuuming all areas where bed bugs may be present, including furniture, mattresses, baseboards, and any other cracks or crevices where they may hide.

Pay special attention to tufts, seams, and folds because these are favorite hiding spots for bedbugs. Sprinkle boric acid around the perimeter of your bed.

You can also sprinkle it on your mattress and box spring.

Vacuum up any boric acid that gets onto your carpet or floor.

Lastly, wash all your bedding in hot water once a week to keep bedbugs from returning. You can also put your pillows, blankets, and clothes in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes.

2. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in households.

They are attracted to food and water and can often be in kitchens and bathrooms. While they may not carry diseases, they can contaminate food and spread illness.

Boric acid is a common household item that can eliminate cockroaches. To use boric acid – mix one teaspoon of boric acid with one cup of water.

Place the mixture in a spray bottle, and spray it around areas where cockroaches are commonly seen, such as in cracks and crevices. The boric acid will kill the cockroaches on contact.

For best results, do this treatment every few days until the cockroach problem is solved.

3. Fleas

Most people are familiar with the itchy, red bumps that fleas can cause on humans and animals. But what many don’t know is that these tiny insects can also carry diseases.

Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They’re prevalent in areas with a lot of animal traffic, like kennels, shelters, and homes with pets.

Boric acid is a common household item that can help kill fleas. It’s inexpensive and effective when used correctly. To use boric acid – sprinkle it around the areas where they’re most active.

It could be in your pet’s bedding, carpets, or any other place you’ve seen fleas.

The acid will kill the fleas on contact and help prevent them from returning. Make sure to vacuum regularly to remove any dead fleas and their eggs.

4. Ants

Ants are one of the most common household pests.

They can be challenging to control, but there are a few ways to eliminate them. One of the best ways to eliminate ants is to use boric acid. Boric acid is a natural substance that can kill ants and other pests.

It is safe to use around children and pets and will not damage your home. When plants ingest boric acid, it interferes with their digestive system and eventually kills them.

Boric acid can also kill ant larvae, so you should target as many ants as possible in your treatment plan. Boric acid is most effective when combined with other ant control methods, such as baiting and sealing up entry points into your home.

But if you’re looking for a DIY solution to your ant problem, boric acid will make a good start. To use boric acid – mix it with water and sugar to create a bait.

Place the bait in areas where you have seen ants, and they will take it back to their nest. The boric acid will kill the entire colony.

You can also use boric acid to prevent ants from entering your home in the first place. Mix it with water and spray it around doorways, windowsills, and other entry points. 

boric acid to kill pests

5. Wasps

Wasps are one of the most feared insects because of their sting. But did you know that wasps can be beneficial to humans?

That’s right, these days flying pests can help us get rid of other pests around our homes. Boric acid is a natural substance found in many household products.

It is a white, odorless powder with low toxicity to humans and animals. However, boric acid is deadly to insects. When wasps come into contact with this substance, it will kill them within minutes.

Here’s how to exterminate wasps around the house: To start, locate the nest.

It can be tricky, as wasps often build their nests in hard-to-reach places. Once you’ve found the nest, apply boric acid powder to it using a puffer bottle or similar device.

Ensure you wear gloves and protective clothing while doing this, as boric acid can be harmful to humans if inhaled or ingested. After applying the boric acid, wait a few days and then check the nest again.

If there are still wasps present, repeat the process.

You can also mix boric acid with sugar and water to create bait.

The wasps will be attracted to the sugar and ingest the boric acid, killing them. With patience and persistence, you will eventually eliminate all the wasps in your home.

6. Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are one of the most common pests in homes.

They are tiny, dark beetles present in any room in the house. Carpet beetles are not dangerous to humans, but they can cause damage to any fabric, including carpets, clothing, and upholstered furniture.

If you have a carpet beetle infestation, you should treat your home with boric acid.

It is a safe and effective way to get rid of carpet beetles. You can purchase boric acid at most hardware stores or online. To use boric acid – sprinkle it on the affected areas of your home.

The carpet beetles will ingest the substance and die within a few days.

7. Silverfishes

Silverfishes are prevalent pests in the household.

They are small, wingless insects that are silver or gray. Silverfish are attracted to moisture and are prevalent in kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.

These insects are harmless to humans but can cause damage to clothing, books, and other items around the house. If you have a silverfish problem, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

One way to eliminate silverfish is by using boric acid.

Boric acid is a white powder safe around the house and can exterminate silverfish. To use boric acid – mix it with water and sprinkle it around areas where silverfishes congregate.

You can also put boric acid in small dishes and place them in areas where silverfish are likely to hide.

8. Termites

Termites are a problem for many homeowners and are one of the most destructive pests in the world.

They cause billions of dollars in damage every year and can be challenging to control. Boric acid is a common household pesticide that can send termites packing or kill them by dehydrating their oil and fluids.

It is relatively safe and effective when used properly.

To use boric acid – mix it with water and apply it to areas where termites are active. Boric acid is most effective when applied to cracks and crevices in walls or floors where termites may be hiding.

It is crucial to follow the directions on the product label carefully to avoid harming yourself or your home. When you use boric acid to kill termites, you must be careful not to let it come into contact with your skin or eyes.

If it does, wash the area immediately with soap and water.


Using boric acid to eliminate pests around the house is an effective and safe method.

However, it is crucial to follow the directions on the label when using boric acid and to take precautions to keep children and pets away from the treated area.

With a little effort, you can enjoy a pest-free home.