How to Keep Geese Out of Your Yard? 

geese in the yard

A gaggle or flock of geese – about 5 to 7 – can poop up to 4 pounds a day. That’s a lot of unwanted fertilizer for your lawn!

Besides, these noisy, messy birds can be aggressive when they feel threatened, and they can turn your yard into their restroom.

But fear not! This guide will show you a goose-free paradise. We will explore humane and effective methods to keep these honking bullies at bay.

We will ditch the stress and mess harmful tactics and focus on strategies geese find unsettling.

We’ll cover everything from creating DIY deterrents that geese despise (think reflective surfaces that confuse them!) to using clever landscaping tricks that make your yard unappealing to these feathered visitors.

But that’s not all! We’ll also discuss how to break the goose cycle. Geese are creatures of habit, so we’ll show you how to disrupt their patterns and make your yard a goose ghost town.

You will also get bonus scoops on some unexpected allies in the fight against geese.

These deterrents double as beautiful additions to your yard. So, get a cup of coffee, and let’s send those geese packing for good! 

What are Geese? 

Geese are magnificent creatures with striking physical appearances.

These majestic birds typically have a sleek and elongated neck and body, equipped with webbed feet that make them excellent swimmers.

Geese are notorious for their distinctive V-shaped flying formation in the sky, often creating a captivating sight for onlookers.

These birds can vary depending on the species, but they generally range from 20 to 45 inches and have a wingspan of about 50 to 70 inches.

Their large size and robust build give them an imposing presence, which can sometimes intimidate other animals or humans.

Geese are highly social creatures that form strong bonds with their flock members.

They communicate using vocalizations, ranging from honks to hisses, especially when they feel threatened or protective of their territory.

Despite their serene appearance while floating gracefully on water bodies, geese can display territorial aggression if they perceive any potential threats nearby. 

So, what are the ways to make geese avoid your yard? 

1. Get coyote decoys 

One effective method for deterring geese from invading your yard is to employ coyote decoys.

Geese are naturally wary of predators, and the sight of a realistic-looking coyote decoy can send them scattering.

You can use these decoys in hot areas where geese gather, such as near water sources or open fields.

The presence of a perceived threat like a coyote can disrupt their usual patterns and encourage them to seek out safer locations.

It’s crucial to regularly move the coyote decoys around your yard to prevent the geese from becoming accustomed to their presence.

Periodically changing their positioning helps maintain the element of surprise and effectiveness of this tactic.

Also, combining coyote decoys with other deterrent methods, such as noise-making devices, can create a comprehensive strategy for keeping geese at bay.

Remember that consistency is crucial when using these decoys – you can protect your yard from unwanted feathered visitors by being proactive and vigilant. 

2. Use audio deterrents 

Noise deterrents can be an effective way to keep geese out of your yard.

Loud noises can startle geese and make them uncomfortable, causing them to seek calmer environments.

Consider using tools like wind chimes, ultrasonic devices, or motion-activated sprinklers that produce loud sounds when geese approach.

These deterrents can help create a hostile environment for the geese without causing harm to them. Another noise-based tactic is the use of predator calls.

Geese are naturally wary of potential predators. So, playing recordings of predator calls, such as those of coyotes, hawks, or eagles, can scare them away.

This method leverages the geese’s instincts for self-preservation, making them more likely to avoid areas where they believe predators lurk.

Incorporating various noise deterrents into your strategy can protect your yard from unwanted goose visitors and enable you to enjoy a peaceful outdoor space. 

3. Remove food and water sources 

A crucial step in keeping geese out of your yard is to remove any food and water sources that may attract them.

Geese stay in areas where they can easily find nourishment and fun, so eliminating these temptations can discourage them from frequenting your property.

It implies keeping trash cans closed, cleaning up spilled birdseed or pet food, and removing standing water, such as birdbaths or leaky hoses.

By denying geese access to readily available food and water, you are sending a message that your yard is not a hospitable environment for them.

This proactive approach prevents geese from lingering in your space and encourages them to seek sustenance elsewhere.

Maintaining a clean outdoor area also promotes a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for you and your family. Remember, prevention is vital when managing wildlife encounters on your property. 

4. Grow your grass 

If you want to keep geese out of your yard, another effective strategy is to focus on growing healthy grass. Healthy grass looks beautiful, and it is a natural deterrent for geese.

Mowing and fertilizing your lawn promotes strong grass growth, making your yard less attractive to these wandering birds.

Consider overseeding your lawn with a high-quality grass seed mix designed to grow thick and lush.

This planting strategy will fill in any bare spots and create a more resilient lawn that can better withstand the presence of geese.

Additionally, implementing proper watering techniques and aerating your soil can further improve the health of your grass, making it less appealing for geese seeking out softer areas for grazing.

Remember that maintaining a healthy lawn goes beyond just aesthetic appeal – it can also serve as a practical solution for keeping unwanted wildlife away from your property.

Invest time and effort into growing strong (and vibrant) grass that discourages geese from residing in your yard. 

repel geese

5. Spray essential oils 

Essential oils like tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus can be a game-changer when keeping geese out of your yard.

These potent oils are effective repellents that provide a refreshing and invigorating scent, uplifting your outdoor space.

The aromatic properties of these essential oils disrupt the sensory perceptions of geese, deterring them from entering your yard.

Furthermore, applying these essential oils is a non-toxic and eco-friendly method to manage geese presence without harming them or the environment.

Mix 15 to 20 drops of any of these oils with 2 cups of water and liquid soap and spray in active areas. This solution will create a harmonious balance between human needs and wildlife preservation.

Embracing the power of nature through these essential oils offers a sustainable approach to protecting your yard while enhancing its overall ambiance. 

6. Get predators like dogs 

If you’re looking to keep geese out of your yard, consider enlisting the help of predators like dogs.

These loyal companions can serve as effective deterrents, as their presence alone can ward off unwanted geese. Dogs instinctively protect their territory, making them an excellent choice for keeping geese at bay.

It’s crucial to note that not all dog breeds are suitable for deterring geese.

Larger breeds with better protective instincts, such as Great Pyrenees or Border Collies, tend to be more effective in chasing away geese.

Training your dog to patrol the area and discourage geese from settling can help maintain a goose-free environment in your yard.

So, if you’re struggling with persistent goose intrusion, consider bringing in a furry companion to help safeguard your space. 

7. Drop orange peels and grapefruit 

One unconventional yet effective method to keep geese out of your yard is placing orange peels and grapefruit around the perimeter.

The strong citrus scent is a natural deterrent for these birds, who find the smell unpleasant and will likely look elsewhere for a more appealing location.

Dropping orange peels and grapefruit in active areas of your yard discourages geese from loitering and infuses a refreshing aroma into the outdoor space.

This eco-friendly approach avoids the use of harmful chemicals or physical barriers that may not be effective since geese can fly.

It provides a safe and natural way to protect your property from unwanted bird visitors.

So next time you enjoy a citrus snack, consider repurposing the peels as a simple yet clever solution to maintain goose-free surroundings. 

8. Use geese repellents that feature methyl anthranilate 

Geese can be notorious for wreaking havoc in your yard, leaving behind a mess, and causing property damage.

However, another effective way to deter these pesky birds is by using repellents that feature methyl anthranilate.

This artificial flavoring, commonly found in grape bubble gum and popsicles, is highly effective in keeping geese at bay due to its strong scent.

The aroma of this substance resembles the smell of grapes, which naturally deters geese as they find it unappealing.

Adding this solution to your DIY repellents can create a barrier that discourages geese from entering your yard without causing them any harm.

Additionally, using products with methyl anthranilate is safe for the environment and other wildlife, making it a humane and eco-friendly solution to goose infestations. 


Keeping geese out of your yard requires a combo of creativity and persistence.

From using decoys and scare tactics to using essential oils, Mother Nature has blessed you with various strategies to deter these feathered intruders.

Remember to stay vigilant and adapt your approach as needed, as geese can be resilient.

With a little bit of effort and a lot of determination, you can reclaim your yard as a goose-free zone.

So go forth, armed with knowledge and wit, and make your yard goose-proof.