How to Get Rid of Mange on Dogs Naturally? 

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Attention, hoomans! If you’re tired of seeing your furry friend scratch like a DJ on steroids, it’s time for some serious intervention!

Our ultimate guide will spill the beans on how to rid your furry friend of mange without harsh chemicals or emptying your wallet at the vet’s office.

We’ve rounded up the most effective natural solutions for tackling mange head-on. From soothing vinegar to magical essential oils, these homemade remedies and expert tips will shake those pesky mites in their tiny boots. Don’t let your pup suffer any longer.

Watch now and reclaim your dog’s happiness! Your four-legged pal will wag its tail in victory. 

What is Mange? 

Mange is a highly-contagious skin disease caused by mites that burrow into the dog’s skin.

The physical appearance of mange can vary depending on the type of mite infestation. But common symptoms include severe itching, hair loss, redness, crust formation, and inflammation of the affected areas.

In some cases, dogs may develop crusty sores, scabs, and thickened skin due to excessive scratching. Two main types of mange affect dogs: demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange.

Demodectic mange results from Demodex mites and typically affects young puppies or dogs with weakened immune systems.

It usually starts as small localized patches of hair loss and can progress to widespread areas if left untreated. Sarcoptic mange results from Sarcoptes scabiei mites and is highly contagious among animals.

It often emerges around the ears and elbows before spreading to other body parts. While several commercial products can treat mange, some pet owners prefer natural remedies.

These remedies are often as effective as conventional treatment. Ensure you treat all pets in contact with an infected dog to prevent re-infestation or transmission of mange between animals. 

What are the Natural Ways to Eradicate Mange in Dogs? 

1. Apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy that can treat mange in dogs.

It contains acetic acid, which has antimicrobial properties that can kill the mites responsible for mange infestations. In addition to its antimicrobial properties, apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory effects.

It may benefit dogs with mange, reducing swelling and redness associated with the condition. Regularly bathing your dog in apple cider vinegar and water can relieve mange symptoms and improve overall skin health.

To use apple cider vinegar for mange, dilute it with water and apply it directly to the affected areas on your dog’s skin. This remedy will help soothe any itching or irritation and promote healing.

Another effective way to treat mange on dogs is to create a homemade remedy using apple cider vinegar and borax.

Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of borax in warm water to create a powerful solution that helps combat mange.

Ensure the borax dissolves in the mixture before applying it to your dog’s skin. Borax can kill parasites and mites, making it an ideal ingredient in this homemade remedy.

Allow the solution to air dry for at least 2 hours before washing off. Besides, ensure the mixture doesn’t come in contact with your dog’s eyes or mouth. Repeat the process until the inflammation is gone.

Bathing your dog with this solution can soothe irritated skin, reduce inflammation, promote healing, and ultimately eliminate mange. 

2. Aloe vera gel 

Aloe vera has soothing properties that reduce itching and inflammation resulting from mange. The pulp moisturizes and hydrates the skin, which can benefit dogs with dry or irritated skin due to mange.

It forms a protective barrier over the affected areas, preventing further damage from scratching or biting. Regular application of aloe vera gel can also speed up the healing process and promote healthy fur regrowth.

To use aloe vera gel – extract the pulp and apply it to the affected areas of your dog’s skin. Make sure to gently massage it to ensure it reaches the deeper skin layers where the mites may be hiding.

Repeat the process twice daily until the affected area is healthy. When using aloe vera gel on your dog’s skin, choose a high-quality product that is safe for pets and contains no harmful additives or chemicals.

If you notice any adverse reactions or your dog’s condition worsens, consult your veterinarian for further guidance and treatment options. 

3. Lemon 

Lemon contains citric acid, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can kill the mites causing mange.

It can soothe the itching and inflammation associated with mange.

Applying lemon juice and water to your dog’s skin can relieve discomfort. It is a natural deterrent for future infestations by repelling mites and other parasites due to its strong scent.

Applying lemon juice on your dog’s fur may prevent re-infestation of mange mites. To use lemon as a treatment – mix equal parts of freshly squeezed lemon juice and water in a spray bottle.

Apply this mixture to the affected areas on your dog’s skin, avoiding open wounds or sores.

The acidity of the lemon will kill the mites and soothe irritated skin. You can mix lemon with other ingredients, such as coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. 

4. Tea tree oil 

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy that can cure mange in dogs for several reasons.

Firstly, tea tree oil possesses strong antiparasitic properties that kill the mites causing mange. It contains compounds such as terpinen-4-ol and cineole, which have antimicrobial and insecticidal properties.

When applied topically to the affected areas on a dog’s skin, tea tree oil penetrates deep into the hair follicles, suffocating and killing off the mites responsible for mange.

Tea tree oil is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. Mange causes intense itching and inflammation in dogs’ skin, leading to discomfort and further complications if left untreated.

Tea tree oil helps soothe these symptoms by reducing inflammation and relieving itchiness.

Its natural components promote the healing of damaged skin, thus aiding in recovery. While tea tree oil can treat mange in dogs, you must exercise caution.

The concentrated form of this essential oil can be toxic if ingested or applied directly without dilution. Therefore, dilute it with water before applying it to your dog’s skin. 

How to get rid of mange naturally

5. Olive oil 

Olive oil works well in curing mange due to its moisturizing properties.

Mange causes intense itching and irritation, leading to dry skin and hair loss. Olive oil can help soothe the affected areas by providing moisture and relieving itchiness.

It contains antioxidants that promote healing and reduce inflammation. It softens the scabs and crusty skin caused by mange, making it easier for them to peel off during bathing or grooming.

Besides, olive oil has antimicrobial properties that can combat any secondary infections due to open wounds caused by scratching. In addition, this oil can suffocate mites, making it an effective treatment option.

Warm or rub a small amount of olive oil in your hands and massage it into your dog’s affected areas. This remedy will soothe irritated skin and reduce itching caused by mange mites.

You can apply the oil all over your dog’s body, paying extra attention to areas with hair loss or redness.

Leave the olive oil on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water and mild dog shampoo. Repeat this process every few days until you see improvement in your dog’s condition. 

6. Neem oil 

Neem oil is derived from the neem tree and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

When applied topically to the affected areas, neem oil soothes itching and irritation caused by mange mites. It features compounds that can kill the mites responsible for mange infestations.

These compounds disrupt the life cycle of the mites, preventing them from reproducing and spreading further. Also, it has a strong odor that repels insects, making it excellent for preventing future infestations.

Dilute neem oil with carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil before applying it to the affected areas.

Massage the solution into your dog’s skin and leave it on overnight. Repeat this process every few days until the symptoms improve. 

7. Honey 

Honey has antimicrobial properties that can eliminate the mites causing mange and soothe irritated skin.

To use honey as a treatment – mix equal parts raw, organic honey with warm water to create a solution.

Apply this mixture to the affected areas of your dog’s skin using a clean cloth or cotton ball.

Leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water. You can mix honey with other natural ingredients to enhance its healing properties for mange treatment.

For instance, you can combine honey with coconut oil or apple cider vinegar to create a more potent solution.

Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, while apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH levels of your dog’s skin and aids in eliminating mites.

Apply this mixture to your dog’s affected areas daily until you notice improvements in their condition. 


Curing mange on dogs naturally is possible and preferable for many pet owners.

You can help your furry friend overcome this pesky condition with proper nutrition, regular grooming, and effective home remedies.

Remember to check your dog for signs of mange regularly and take immediate action if necessary. So, why wait? Implement these natural remedies today and say goodbye to mange once and for all!

You can help your furry friend return to his healthy and happy self with patience and dedication.

Your pup will thank you for it, and you’ll both be able to enjoy a happy and itch-free life together. 

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