How to Get Rid of Lanternflies with Home Remedies? 

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Many don’t know a lanternfly can suck up a liter of sap a day.

That’s enough to leave your precious plants looking like they went through a straw war! These destructive red and black invaders are a nightmare for gardeners, but don’t despair!

This article will show you how to get rid of lanternflies. We’ll uncover the most effective home remedies to send these sap-suckers packing without harsh chemicals.

Prepare to craft concoctions that confuse and kill lanternflies on contact, using ingredients you probably already have in your pantry.

So, if you’re ready to reclaim your yard from these destructive invaders and protect your plants, hit that subscribe button and keep watching! 

What are Lanternflies? 

The lanternfly, AKA the spotted lanternfly, is a stunning insect with striking physical features.

These insects are relatively small, measuring about one inch long, and have vibrant wings that display a combo of red, black, white, and gray colors.

One of the most distinctive characteristics of lanternflies is their round head with pronounced eyespots that give them a unique appearance.

They can emit a foul-smelling odor to deter predators when disturbed or threatened. Lanternflies are agile creatures that can jump remarkable distances for their size.

They primarily feed on plant sap by piercing the stems and leaves with their piercing-sucking mouthparts.

These insects gather on tree trunks and other surfaces during certain times of the year as part of their mating and feeding habits.

This behavior can cause significant damage to crops and trees if left unchecked. 

So, what are the ways to eliminate lanternflies from your home? 

1. Spray apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar can be your secret weapon in the battle against lanternflies.

This natural remedy is effective and eco-friendly, making it a popular choice for those looking to rid their homes and gardens of these pesky pests.

Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a spray bottle and apply it to infested areas to discourage lanternflies from taking over your space.

The smell of apple cider vinegar is a powerful repellent for lanternflies, causing them to seek shelter elsewhere.

Additionally, the acidic nature of the vinegar can disrupt their feeding habits and reproductive cycle, helping to reduce their population over time.

Incorporating this simple solution into your pest control routine can make a significant difference in managing lanternfly infestations without harmful chemicals or pesticides. 

2. Sprinkle neem oil 

Neem oil is a powerful natural remedy that can help eliminate lanternflies.

With its potent insecticidal properties, neem oil disrupts the growth cycle of these pesky pests.

Apply neem oil directly on affected plants or foliage to form a protective barrier that prevents lanternflies from feeding and laying eggs.

The secret lies in neem oil’s ability to interfere with the hormonal system of insects like lanternflies, leading to their eventual demise.

This organic solution controls the current infestation and discourages future generations from flourishing.

Additionally, neem oil is safe for beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs, making it an eco-friendly choice for sustainable pest management practices.  

3. Introduce predators 

Predators like cats, birds, and dogs can help control pest populations, including lanternflies.

Cats are natural hunters with excellent hunting instincts, making them effective at capturing small insects like lanternflies.

Their agility and stealth enable them to track and pounce on these pests, helping to reduce their numbers in your home or garden.

You can also train dogs and birds to detect and chase away lanternflies. Utilizing these natural predators is an eco-friendly way to manage the lanternfly invasion without relying on harmful chemicals.

Introducing these animals into your pest management strategy can provide a sustainable solution for dealing with lanternflies.

Not only do they help control the population of these destructive insects, but they also offer companionship and added security to your household.

Harness the innate predatory instincts of your furry friends to create a harmonious balance in our ecosystems while addressing the lanternfly problem at home.

So next time you spot pesky lanternflies buzzing around, consider enlisting the help of your four-legged friends as part of your pest control arsenal! 

get rid of lanternflies

4. Cultivate milkweed 

When combating lanternflies, cultivating milkweed in your garden can be a game-changer.

Milkweed is not only a crucial plant for monarch butterflies but also serves as a natural deterrent for lanternflies.

These pesky insects are attracted to the sticky, poisonous sap from milkweed, making it an effective way to protect your plants.

Planting milkweed in your garden enhances its beauty and contributes to biodiversity.

By promoting the growth of this essential plant, you’re taking proactive steps toward creating a more sustainable and pest-resistant environment for all living creatures.

So, next time you consider ways to combat lanternflies, think about planting some milkweed and let nature do its work! 

5. Scrape off lanternfly eggs 

Scraping off lanternfly eggs is a crucial step in controlling their population and preventing infestations.

Removing these tiny, cement-like egg masses from tree bark, rocks, or other surfaces disrupt the lanternflies’ reproductive cycle.

It also reduces the likelihood of future generations wreaking havoc on your property. These eggs can be challenging to spot due to their small size and camouflaged appearance.

So, a keen eye and regular inspections are necessary to eliminate them before they hatch.

When scraping off lanternfly eggs, use tools like a putty knife or credit card to gently dislodge them without causing damage to the surface underneath.

Be thorough in your inspection, checking all nooks and crannies where these pests might have laid their eggs.

Additionally, proper disposal of the removed egg masses is crucial – seal them in a plastic bag and either freeze or squash them to ensure they are no longer viable.

Taking proactive measures like scraping off lanternfly eggs regularly during their active seasons plays an active role in reducing the impact of these destructive insects on your surroundings. 

6. Squash and stomp them 

As frustrating as lanternflies may be, there are effective ways to combat their infestation without resorting to harsh chemicals.

One creative approach involves squashing and stomping them, taking matters into your own hands.

Crushing these invasive pests eliminates them and sends a clear message to others in the colony that they are not welcome.

While it may seem like a simple solution, this method can be surprisingly effective as part of an integrated pest management strategy.

Actively engaging in the battle against lanternflies contributes to controlling their population spread.

So next time you spot those bothersome bugs making themselves at home in your garden or backyard, don’t hesitate to get up close and personal with your squashing skills—it’s a hands-on approach that can make a significant impact! 

7. Use essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus 

Peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils are not just fragrant additions to your aromatherapy routine; they can also be powerful allies in the fight against lanternflies.

Peppermint oil’s strong scent is a natural deterrent for insects, making it a great option to help keep these pests at bay.

Meanwhile, lavender oil’s repellent and calming properties can help reduce stress levels caused by lanternflies in your environment.

Eucalyptus oil is famous for its antiseptic and insect-repelling qualities, making it an effective tool in controlling lanternfly populations around your home.

Mix a few drops of these essential oils with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where lanternflies gather to create a natural barrier that discourages their presence without harming the environment.

These herbal remedies offer an eco-friendly approach to pest control and add delightful fragrances to your living spaces while keeping unwanted insects at bay. 

8. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth 

Have you heard of the powerful yet natural insect-killing properties of diatomaceous earth?

This fine powder, derived from fossilized algae, is a game-changer in combating pests like lanternflies.

Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your home creates a barrier that effectively dehydrates and kills these invasive insects on contact.

The best part? It’s environmentally friendly and safe for use around pets and kids. Diatomaceous earth is unique due to its mechanical action on pests rather than chemical effects.

This quality makes it an ideal solution for those looking to rid their homes of lanternflies without harmful chemicals.

For an added boost, consider mixing diatomaceous earth with water to create a spray you can apply directly onto affected plants or surfaces.

Embrace the power of nature with diatomaceous earth in your fight against lanternflies! 

9. Use large sticky traps 

An innovative method to combat lanternflies is by utilizing large sticky traps.

These traps, often made of durable material and coated with a powerful adhesive, can capture these pesky insects in large quantities.

Placing these traps strategically in areas where lanternflies are prevalent can help reduce their population significantly.

Using large sticky traps offers an efficient way to control lanternfly numbers and a non-toxic and environmentally friendly solution.

Relying on physical means rather than chemical pesticides minimizes the risk of harming other beneficial insects or plants in your garden.

Additionally, the sight of numerous trapped lanternflies can serve as a visual indicator of the effectiveness of this method, providing a sense of satisfaction and assurance that you are progressing in tackling this invasive pest. 


Dealing with lanternflies can be a frustrating experience, but you can use home remedies to combat these pesky pests.

From using essential oils to creating DIY traps, you have several options to keep your home and garden lanternfly-free.

Stay persistent and consistent in your efforts, as prevention is vital in managing infestations.

So, try these home remedies, and say goodbye to those unwanted guests buzzing around!

Don’t allow the lanternflies to win – take control of your space today! 

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