How to Get Rid of Ladybugs Using Home Remedies?

how to get rid of ladybugs

Ladybugs are common in the spring and summer, but they can become a nuisance if they start invading your home. This video will show you some simple home remedies to get rid of ladybugs without harsh chemicals.

What are Ladybugs?

Ladybugs are beetles that are members of the family Coccinellidae. The larvae of these beetles are commonly called “lady beetles” or “ladybugs.” You will also find them referred to as ladybird beetles and just plain bugs.

These insects have a very characteristic appearance, small and reddish in color. The adult beetles have a distinctive white spot on their head and are covered with a protective shield of white hairs.

The larvae are quite different from the adults in that they have no wings and resemble a small black worm. They are commonly known as “assassin bugs” because of their predacious nature.

Ladybugs can be found in many different places worldwide and are very adaptable, surviving in various habitats. They are commonly found in houses and gardens as they seek out dark places to hide during the day.

How to Get Rid of Ladybugs

1. Vacuum them up

Ladybugs are attracted to light and tend to congregate around bright lights. It makes it easy to get rid of them by using a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the area where they are hiding, seal the bag, and throw it away.

2. Make a trap

These insects are drawn to cracks and crevices, so building a trap out of cardboard is a good idea. Cut a square piece of cardboard into an L shape, leaving about four inches at the top and bottom of the square.

Cut a slit in the top of the L shape. Place a jar, ice cream container, or similar object inside the cut-out and fill it with water. You can also make use of soapy water.

Ladybugs are attracted to water, so placing it inside the box will make it easier for them to access and drown in it.

It’s also good to keep dryer sheets or fabric softener sheets in the box to attract the insects to use them as a landing pad and then drown in the water.

You can leave this trap out for a few days and check if you have caught any.

3. Use a net

You can use a mosquito net or a fine-weave fabric-like cloth. Next, you can place a mesh net where the insects enter your home.

Cut them into squares and keep them in various places around your home to prevent the pests from entering.

4. Use a sticky trap

Another easy way to get rid of ladybugs infestation is to place sticky traps in areas where the ladybugs are entering your home.

You can use a glue trap or a piece of wax paper cut into small pieces and place them on the windows, doors, and other places that the insects are likely to enter.

This trap will glue the ladybugs with sticky wax paper and kill them quickly. However, you have to be careful that the traps do not get destroyed by water.

5. Spray them with a mixture of water and ammonia

You can also use a mixture of water and ammonia to kill ladybugs. Mix 1 part water and three parts ammonia in a spray bottle and spray the affected areas where the bugs are found.

This mixture will kill the bugs without causing any harm to your plants, pets, or other animals. You can also use an old spray bottle and fill it with water and ammonia.

Spray the affected areas every day to prevent ladybugs from coming back again.

6. Freeze them

Freezing them is an effective way to kill the ladybugs which are causing a problem for you. How do you catch and freeze them? Fill a jar with water and place a flashlight above it.

You can also add a couple of dish soap or detergent drops to the pot. This way, the bugs do not float on top of the water. It will make them sink and drown.

Place the water in a freezer and watch them die.

7. Remove the food source for the ladybugs

Ladybugs feed on decaying organic matter such as leaves or fruit. To stop the problem, remove the source of food for the ladybugs by cleaning up your yard and removing any dying plants.

It will also help you prevent them from coming back again.

These insects also feed on dead insects and aphids. Remove these as well, and the ladybugs will stop coming back.

how to get rid of ladybugs

8. Clean your yard

Keeping your yard clean will help with keeping the insects at bay. Ladybugs are attracted to organic matter, so ensure that your yard is clean and free of decaying organic matter such as leaves or fruit.

The litter box can also draw these insects, so take out the litter and clean it regularly. Keep your house clean as well. Ladybugs are attracted to moisture, so make sure that your home is free of water leaks and mildew.

Also, keep your windows and doors shut so as not to get dirty.

9. Use a floating row cover

Floating row covers are very effective in keeping ladybugs away from your garden. The row covers will reduce the amount of moisture in the soil, making it hard for ladybugs to lay eggs.

They will also prevent insect pests from entering your garden.

You can purchase these row covers at various gardening centers, and they are available in all sizes.

10. Spray them with a mixture of water and vinegar

If you want to get rid of ladybugs in your garden, use a mix of water and vinegar. Spray the mixture of water and vinegar on the ladybugs.

This mixture will kill the ladybugs and prevent them from laying eggs.

11. Apply diatomaceous earth to the insects

You can also use diatomaceous earth to kill ladybugs. Diatomaceous earth is a sand-like substance composed of fossilized remains of tiny underwater creatures.

It is poisonous to ladybugs and other insect pests. To apply diatomaceous earth, you will need a spray bottle. Fill the spray bottle with the diatomaceous earth and mix it well.

Spray the diatomaceous earth on the ladybugs, and they will die soon after.

12. Use a soap solution

You can also make a soap solution to kill ladybugs.

It would be best to have a small bowl and some dishwashing liquid. Mix the dishwashing liquid with some water in the bowl until it is a thick enough paste.

Apply this paste to the ladybugs, and they will die soon after.


Ladybugs are considered beneficial insects to humans. They not only kill a wide variety of pests but also help in the pollination of plants.

Although ladybugs do not bite people, some still dislike them because they look scary. Also, they can be a pest in your home.

You can control ladybugs by applying the above tricks to your home. It will help you prevent ladybugs from causing havoc in your home.