How to Get Rid of Crows in Your Roof, Garden, or Banging on Windows? 

how to get rid of crows tapping on the window
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Have you ever woken up to a Hitchcockian scene of crows cawing on your roof?

Crows are incredibly intelligent birds, capable of recognizing faces and even holding grudges!

But that doesn’t mean you want them hanging out at your house.

If you’re being dive-bombed in your garden, serenaded with unsettling caws at dawn, or worse, have a crow using your window as a personal drum set, this video is for you!

Today, we will be your crow-banishing heroes, sharing the most effective ways to send these clever birds packing.

We’ll explore various deterrents, from creating a dazzling display of crow-displeasing disco balls to using ultrasonic sound that’s silent to humans but sends crows packing.

We’ll also show you clever nesting deterrents to keep them from setting up shop in the first place. This video isn’t just about scaring crows away.

We’ll also discuss humane ways to protect your precious garden produce from these feathered feast-seekers.

So, if you’re ready to reclaim your home and garden from these intelligent but unwelcome visitors, keep watching! 

What are Crows? 

Crows are fascinating creatures famous for their glossy black feathers and distinctive cawing calls that echo through the trees and neighborhood.

These birds are medium to large, with wingspan of up to 3-4 feet, making them an impressive presence in the sky.

Their sharp beaks are perfect tools for scavenging and accessing hard-to-reach food sources, showcasing their intelligence and adaptability.

In addition to their physical characteristics, crows exhibit complex social behaviors that make them stand out among other bird species.

They are highly territorial and form strong family bonds within their groups, often working together to protect their territory or find food.

Crows also display remarkable problem-solving skills and have been observed using tools to obtain food or manipulate objects, highlighting their resourcefulness and high cognitive abilities. 

So, what are the ways to eliminate crows from your home? 

1. Remove potential food and water sources 

You can deter crows from hanging around by removing food and water sources around your property.

Consider securing trash cans with tight-fitting lids to prevent scavenging opportunities for these birds.

Also, ensure bird feeders are inaccessible or remove them to avoid attracting crows looking for an easy meal.

Address any standing water sources like bird baths or buckets that could serve as hydration spots for the pesky birds.

Making your property less appealing to crows in terms of available food and water can reduce their presence without resorting to harmful methods. 

2. Eliminate nesting opportunities 

When keeping crows at bay, evaluating your landscaping choices is crucial.

Trimming back overgrown bushes and trees near your property can minimize areas where crows may find shelter or nesting opportunities.

Ensuring no hiding spots can help discourage these intelligent birds from residing on your roof or garden.

In addition to trimming vegetation, consider incorporating design elements that are less attractive to crows.

Opt for smooth and open surfaces in your landscaping to provide fewer perching opportunities for these birds.

Planning out your outdoor space with crow-proofing in mind creates an uninviting environment for them, preventing lingering or causing disturbances around your home. 

3. Scare them away with unpleasant noises 

Have you ever thought about using unpleasant noises to scare away those pesky crows from your roof or garden? While it may seem harsh, it is an effective method to deter these nuisance birds.

Consider playing loud and sudden noises like a clanging bell or a burst of white noise. These unexpected sounds can startle the crows and make them think twice about hanging around your property.

Another option is to use recordings of distress calls of these birds, signaling danger in the area.

Crows are intelligent creatures that respond to communication from their kind, so hearing distress calls can trigger a flight response.

You can also install ultrasonic sounds to keep them away. Utilizing sound taps into crows’ instincts and leverages their sensitivity to auditory cues.

Next time these birds frustrate you with their havoc on your property, give them a taste of their own medicine with some well-placed unpleasant noises. 

how to get ird of crows in the yard

4. Use wind chimes 

Imagine the soothing sound of wind chimes gently swaying in the breeze, filling your garden or backyard with tranquility.

Not only do wind chimes add an enchanting touch to your outdoor space, but they can also deter crows from lingering around your property.

The soft tinkling noise from wind chimes disrupts the birds’ peace, making them uncomfortable and less likely to stick around.

Incorporating wind chimes into your outdoor decor is a simple yet innovative way to control crow activity without harming these intelligent creatures.

Choose various sizes and materials for your wind chimes to create different tones and pitches that resonate throughout your garden.

Placing wind chimes near areas where crows gather, such as windows or rooftops, can help keep these pesky birds at bay while adding a delightful aesthetic element to your surroundings.

Embrace the power of sound and let the gentle melodies of wind chimes be your secret weapon in crow management. 

5. Install sprinklers 

Sprinklers are highly effective and humane devices to deter crows from causing havoc in your garden or banging on your windows.

These intelligent birds are not fans of getting wet, so setting up a sprinkler system is an ingenious way to keep them at bay.

Installing the sprinklers around areas where crows congregate, such as near bird feeders or on the roof, can create a practical and environmentally friendly deterrent.

Besides, sprinklers offer a hands-off approach to crow control, allowing you to maintain your space without constant monitoring.

The sudden burst of water from motion sensors startles the crows and trains them to associate certain areas with discomfort, leading them to seek more peaceful locations.

Not only does this method help protect your property from damage caused by these pesky birds, but it will also function as a sustainable solution that respects wildlife while maintaining peace of mind for homeowners dealing with crow-related issues. 

6. Use scarecrows and other predator decoys 

Scarecrows have been a staple in agriculture for centuries, thanks to their ability to ward off unwanted bird pests like crows.

However, as urban areas blend with rural landscapes, the use of scarecrows has evolved beyond just fields and farms.

Utilizing scarecrows and other predator decoys is a clever way to deter crows from invading your personal space, whether it’s your roof, garden, or windows.

The idea of employing scare tactics may seem straightforward; however, the effectiveness lies in the execution.

As intelligent creatures, crows can quickly adapt to common scarecrow patterns if not strategically placed or alternated regularly.

It necessitates a creative approach using various decoys like fake owls, snakes, or visual deterrents that mimic predatory behavior.

Challenging the crows’ perception and keeping them on edge with new decoy placements or movements help maintain the element of surprise and increase the chances of successful crow deterrence.

how to get rid of crows on a roof

7. Cover your crops and garden with bed netting 

Covering your crops and garden with bed netting is a simple yet effective way to protect them from the invasive tactics of pest birds like crows.

This method prevents the birds from feasting on your hard-earned produce and acts as a physical barrier that deters them from accessing the area altogether.

By utilizing bed netting, you create a haven for your plants to thrive without being disrupted by pesky avian intruders.

Moreover, bed netting is a versatile solution you can customize to fit your specific gardening needs. If you’re growing corn in your yard, cover them with paper cups or bags.

And protect your seedlings with fabric row covers.

Whether you have raised beds, fruit trees, or delicate flowers, you can use several netting options that suit your requirements.

This flexibility allows you to safeguard all vegetation types without compromising aesthetics or functionality.

Embracing bed netting in your gardening routine solves the crow problem and enhances the beauty and productivity of your outdoor space. 

8. Scare crows away with CDs and reflective tape 

It may sound unconventional, but these shiny objects can surprisingly deter these pesky birds.

The flickering reflections and bright flashes from the CDs and tape mimic movement, tricking the crows into thinking a predator is nearby.

Besides, combining light and sound can create a disorienting environment for crows, making them uncomfortable and encouraging them to find a new roosting spot.

Place these reflective items in areas where crows flock, such as on windowsills or in garden beds, to disrupt their usual patterns and convince them to look elsewhere for food and shelter.

Next time you deal with a crow problem, consider harnessing the power of light and reflection to keep these pesky birds away


Dealing with pesky crows can be a real headache, whether they’re on your roof, in your garden, or banging on your windows.

Implementing simple strategies, such as visual deterrents or removing food sources, can discourage these feathered troublemakers from causing further havoc.

Remember to stay persistent and patient as you work towards crow-proofing your property.

With creativity and determination, you’ll reclaim your peace from these intelligent yet annoying birds. Show those crows who’s boss – it’s time to send them packing! 

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