How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally?

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Are you one of those who don’t want to use harsh chemicals to get rid of cockroaches?

There are natural ways to get rid of these pests!

This article will show you how to get rid of cockroaches naturally, using items you likely have around your house.

What are Cockroaches?

Cockroaches, also known as palmetto bugs, are insects in the order Blattodea.

They are among the most common household pests. Cockroach infestations are present in remote areas of the world where there are no humans. They can be found in climates ranging from tropical to desert, but they are not native to these areas.

These pests are found in household environments and are often considered a threat to food supplies. Cockroaches spread disease and bacteria, which can lead to many health issues in humans, including asthma and allergies.

It would be best if we could get rid of these pests without harmful chemicals, so let’s look at how to get rid of cockroaches naturally.

What are the Natural Ways to Repel or Get Rid of Cockroaches?

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great solution to get rid of cockroaches. It does not contain any harmful chemicals, and it is cheap as well. How does baking soda get rid of cockroaches? Baking soda is highly acidic, and it can irritate the skin of cockroaches.

They will try to get rid of the source of irritation and eventually become dehydrated to death. To use this trick, you must mix baking soda with water and make a thick paste. Then, please place it in places where cockroaches might hide.

If you find a dead cockroach after a few days, then it means that it was successful. You can also sprinkle baking soda in the area where you often see cockroaches on the floor and around the baseboards.

This way, you will eliminate the cockroaches’ food supply and keep them away from your home.

Mixing baking soda and onions is another effective way to eliminate cockroaches.

Onions are natural cockroach repellents. They emit a gas that is toxic to roaches, and it will kill them or make them leave the area. Sprinkle a few teaspoons of baking soda in their hiding spots, and then add some chopped onions.

2. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is effective in many ways, including repelling cockroaches.

It is a potent smelling oil that can send cockroaches packing. The smell of peppermint will also irritate them, and they won’t be able to stand it for long. This oil works by attacking their sense of smell and taste.

Since cockroaches rely on their sense of smell to find food, you can use peppermint oil to keep them from coming near your home. Peppermint oil is also cheap so you can use it in many ways.

Apply a few drops of peppermint oil on two cotton balls and place them in some places where you often see cockroaches. You will notice that the cockroaches won’t be able to stand it for long, and they’ll leave your home.

3. Mint Leaves

Mint leaves are a natural remedy for cockroaches because they have antibacterial and antifungal properties. The leaves contain menthol and nepetalactone, which are chemicals that can help eliminate the stubborn cockroaches from your home.

They don’t like the smell of mint leaves, so they will try to stay away from your house.

To repel cockroaches with mint leaves, you can put them in a pot or spray their solution on the floor and walls of your home. Also, place mint leaves in some corners; the smell will drive them away.

You can also crush the mint leaves and mix them with water to make a paste that you can spread on surfaces that cockroaches frequent.

4. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a white powder made from fossilized algae. It works for cockroach control by abrading the insect’s body, causing it to dehydrate and die. It will also drain the cockroach eggs, which will make them die as well.

If you choose to use it in your home, be sure your pets and children do not touch it because they may swallow it and suffer from gastrointestinal issues.

Apply diatomaceous earth to cracks, crevices, and other hidden areas where the cockroaches frequent. Please do not use it in the regions you walk on because it will make your feet itch.

For maximum effects, apply a thin line of powder to the cockroach’s path. Observe them as they travel through it and note their behavior. How long does it take for the diatomaceous earth to have an effect?

These will vary from one case to another. Some people have reported that they have seen results within a day, while others say it took them two weeks to notice the impact. Observe your cockroach problem, and you can see the difference.

cockroach remedies

5. Boric Acid and Peanut Butter

Boric acid is a natural roach killer. It’s also one of the homemade cockroach repellent ideas that you can try. Boric acid and peanut butter will help keep these nasty insects away from your home.

The acid causes the roaches to dry out and die, while the peanut butter attracts them to it. Once they come in contact with the mixture and eat it, they will spread it around your home in search of more food.

This way, other roaches will ingest the boric acid, killing them.

Mix equal parts of both ingredients and place them in corners around your home. Use this homemade cockroach repellent for best results in areas where you’ve seen roaches. Add some yeast to the mixture for added attraction.

6. Borax and Sugar

One of the best home remedies for cockroaches is borax.

You can use it in combination with sugar to create a sticky mixture. The mixture will draw out the moisture from the insect’s body, causing it to dehydrate and die. When these pests ingest the mix due to its sweet taste, they will be poisoned.

Sugar and borax can be found at any home store and cheaply. An alternative to sugar is honey, which is also a natural remedy for cockroaches. Mix two tablespoons of borax with one tablespoon of sugar or honey in a bowl until the powder is dissolved.

Take equal parts of this mixture and place it in shallow dishes around your home. You can also use a toothpick to spread the mixture on cracks and crevices.

7. Cayenne Pepper and Water

This solution is one of the easy home remedies for cockroaches.

You can make a solution using 2 cups of water, 1/3 cup of cayenne pepper, and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. Add these ingredients to a spray bottle and shake well. Spray the solution in areas where cockroaches frequent.

The pungent odor of cayenne pepper will repel cockroaches.

8. Vinegar

Vinegar is one of the best chemical-free home remedies for cockroaches.

The smell and taste of vinegar are repulsive to cockroaches. When they come in contact with vinegar, they immediately leave the area.

Add two teaspoons of vinegar to a spray bottle and fill it with water. Spray the solution in places where you see cockroaches.

9. Ammonia (in drains)

Ammonia is a substance present in most households in the form of household cleaners.

It’s commonly used to clean drains and toilets, but it can effectively eliminate cockroaches. It’s a great contact killer and an even better repellent because the ammonia smell can overwhelm cockroaches.

You can use ammonia alone or in conjunction with other repellents. Once they realize that the chemical is in their environment, they’ll start to look for other places to live.

10. Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are an excellent herbal repellent for cockroaches because they contain high levels of eugenol.

This substance, known for its pungent smell and taste, repels cockroaches. You can either sprinkle bay leaves around your house or make a paste. When brewed in water and then left to cool, the leaves can be an effective spray to keep these pests out of your home.

They are also helpful against ants, fleas, ticks, and other crawling insects.


Cockroaches flourish in moisture and darkness, so it is crucial to keep your home clean and dry and seal any cracks or crevices where they might enter.

To get rid of cockroaches naturally, sanitize your home, eliminate their food and water sources, use traps, and repel/eliminate them with the methods stated earlier.

Some of them include using a mixture of borax and sugar, a combination of boric acid and peanut butter, or essential oils. You can say goodbye to these pesky pests with patience and consistency!