How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles Naturally? 


Are you dealing with the pesky problem of carpet beetles invading your home?

Don’t worry! We’ve got the solution for you!

The below video and article will show you how to eradicate those rug-ruining critters.

You’ll be amazed at how easy it can be to rid your home of these unwelcome guests without harsh chemicals or expensive treatments.

From DIY traps to vacuuming techniques, you’ll find plenty of tips and tricks to keep your living space bug-free. Stop wasting time and money on ineffective solutions. Learn how to win the battle against carpet beetles and take control of your home! 

What are Carpet Beetles? 

Carpet beetles are small, oval-shaped insects that measure around 1/8 to 3/16 inch in length. They have a distinctive pattern of scales on their wings.

This scale comes in various colors, such as black, white, yellow, or orange. Their bodies are covered in tiny hairs that give them a fuzzy appearance.

Carpet beetles are attracted to natural fibers and materials such as wool, silk, fur, and feathers. They often infest homes and feed on carpets, upholstery, clothing, blankets, and even stored food products like grains and cereals.

These beetles lay their eggs on these materials, enabling the larvae to feed on them once they hatch. A notable property of carpet beetles is their ability to cause damage.

The larvae of these insects are particularly destructive, as they have strong jaws that allow them to chew through fabrics easily.

This problem can lead to the damage of carpets and other household items if left unchecked. Additionally, carpet beetle larvae shed their skins multiple times during development before eventually pupating into adults.

This molting process often leaves behind shed skins or casings, indicating an infestation within the home. 

What are the Natural Ways to Eliminate Carpet Beetles? 

1. Vacuum your carpet regularly 

Vacuuming involves the removal of dirt, dust, and other debris from carpets and upholstery using a vacuum cleaner.

This step is essential in keeping your home clean and free from pests and allergens.

Vacuuming plays a significant role when it comes to eradicating carpet beetles. Carpet beetles cause damage to your carpets, furniture, and clothing.

You can remove adult beetles or larvae from your carpet by vacuuming it. This step prevents further infestation and reduces the risk of damage to your belongings.

To effectively eliminate carpet beetles through vacuuming, pay attention to areas such as corners, edges, baseboards, and under furniture where they tend to hide.

Using attachments like crevice tools can help reach these difficult-to-access spots. Besides, emptying the vacuum bag or canister outside immediately after each use and burning is crucial to prevent reinfestation within your home.

Regular vacuuming is an effective method for eliminating carpet beetles by physically removing them from your living space.

Alongside other preventive measures like washing infested fabrics at high temperatures or freezing them to kill any remaining eggs or larvae, vacuuming forms an integral part of a comprehensive approach towards eliminating these pests without relying on chemical treatments. 

2. Steam clean your carpet 

Steam cleaning involves using high-pressure steam to clean and sanitize various surfaces, including carpets, upholstery, and clothing.

This method is highly effective in killing carpet beetles as the heat from the steam can penetrate deep into their hiding places and destroy the adult insects and their eggs.

Exposing infested areas to steam can eliminate these pests without relying on harsh chemicals or pesticides. An advantage of steam cleaning is that it kills carpet beetles and removes dirt, grime, and allergens trapped within your carpets.

The intense heat from the steamer helps break down stubborn stains and dislodge any embedded particles that regular vacuuming cannot remove.

Moreover, steam cleaning offers a safe alternative to chemical-based pest control methods since it does not leave behind residue or harmful toxins that could harm pets or children.

When using a steam cleaner, it is crucial to follow proper procedures. Start by thoroughly vacuuming your carpets to remove any loose debris.

Then slowly move the steamer over every inch of your carpet, paying extra attention to areas where carpet beetles hide, such as along baseboards, under furniture, or in dark corners.

Repeat this process every few weeks until all signs of infestation are gone. 

3. Spray some vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile product extracted from fermented apples. It has been used for centuries for various purposes, including cooking, cleaning, and even as a natural remedy for health conditions.

Apple cider vinegar can be an effective solution to eliminate carpet beetles. Carpet beetles feed on natural fibers, such as wool and silk, and can quickly multiply if not dealt with promptly.

One way to use apple cider vinegar to combat carpet beetles is by creating a homemade spray. Mix equal water and apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and apply the solution directly onto the affected areas.

The strong scent of the vinegar can repel and kill carpet beetles and prevent them from infesting your home further.

You can also use apple cider vinegar as a cleaning agent to remove any eggs or larvae left behind by the pests.

Dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and use the solution to clean carpets, rugs, or any other surfaces that may have come into contact with the pests or their eggs.

Adding apple cider vinegar to your pest control routine can effectively eliminate carpet beetles without relying on harsh chemicals or pesticides. 

4. Apply diatomaceous earth 

Diatomaceous earth is a substance that contains the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms.

These microscopic creatures have hard shells made of silica, which accumulate over time and form deposits in bodies of water.

Diatomaceous earth is a famous organic pesticide to control various pests, including carpet beetles. The abrasive nature of diatomaceous earth makes it an effective tool against carpet beetles.

When applied to infested areas, it dehydrates and damages the exoskeleton of these insects, ultimately leading to their demise.

Moreover, diatomaceous earth has a long-lasting effect because its sharp particles remain potent as long as they are undisturbed.

Another advantage of using diatomaceous earth is its non-toxic nature. As a natural substance, it poses no threat to humans or pets when used correctly.

This quality makes it a safe option for households with children or animals, providing peace of mind while dealing with carpet beetle infestation.

Ensure you wear your protective gear when handling the substance. 

5. Use boric acid 

Boric acid, a natural and effective remedy to eliminate carpet beetles, is derived from boron minerals popular in various parts of the world.

People make boric acid by combining borax (sodium borate) with an acid or by reacting borax with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid.

This reaction results in the formation of boric acid crystals that have powerful insecticidal properties. Boric acid dehydrates carpet beetles, ultimately killing them.

To apply boric acid – locate and vacuum the infested areas thoroughly to remove any visible larvae or adult beetles.

Next, sprinkle a thin layer of boric acid powder directly onto the affected carpets, paying attention to dark corners and spaces where beetles may be hiding.

Use a broom or brush to work the powder into the carpet fibers for better penetration. Once applied, allow the boric acid to sit undisturbed for at least 24 hours before vacuuming it up again.

This waiting period ensures that any remaining carpet beetles or larvae come into contact with the powder. Repeat this process every few weeks until all signs of infestation are gone.

Excessive boric acid can harm pets and humans if ingested or inhaled.

Therefore, you should wear gloves and a mask while applying it and keep children and pets away from treated areas until thoroughly vacuumed and cleaned. 

carpet beetles

6. Peppermint oil 

Peppermint oil has a potent and refreshing scent that repels carpet beetles, making it an excellent option for eradicating them.

You can create a peppermint oil spray by adding a few drops of the oil to water in a spray bottle and then spraying it onto areas where carpet beetles may be hiding, such as carpets, upholstery, and baseboards.

The odor of peppermint oil is highly unpleasant for carpet beetles and acts as a deterrent.

In addition to repelling these pests, peppermint oil has antimicrobial properties that can help inhibit the growth of bacteria or fungi that may attract carpet beetles.

Moreover, this essential oil is safe for pets and children. However, dilute it properly before use.

To maximize the effectiveness of peppermint oil, reapply the spray every few days or whenever the scent starts to fade. You can enhance its potency with other natural remedies like lavender oil. 

7. Clove oil 

Clove oil is derived from the flower buds of the clove tree and has numerous benefits. This essential oil is a powerful insect repellent with antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Mix a few drops of the oil with water in a spray bottle and shake well. Then, spray this mixture directly onto infested areas such as carpets, rugs, or upholstery.

The potent aroma of clove oil will deter carpet beetles from pervading these surfaces. You can also use clove oil as a contact insecticide against carpet beetles.

Apply a small amount of undiluted clove oil onto a cloth or cotton ball and rub it along baseboards, corners, or other areas where you’ve noticed beetle activity.

It will kill adult beetles upon contact and prevent them from laying eggs in those areas. While clove oil can be an effective repellent for carpet beetles, use it with caution due to its potency. 


Carpet beetles may be tiny, but they can wreak havoc in our homes.

However, there’s no need to panic or resort to harsh chemicals. Follow these natural methods to bid these pesky intruders farewell and reclaim your carpets.

Remember to clean and vacuum your home regularly and steam clean your carpets.

So go ahead! Kick those carpet beetles to the curb and enjoy a bug-free home! Your carpets (and household) will thank you.