How to Get Rid of Pigeons Naturally?

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Are you fed up with the endless cooing, pooping, and nesting of pigeons in your home or backyard?

We can help if you have a pigeon problem but don’t want to use harsh chemicals or traps.

This video will provide step-by-step instructions on how to repel pigeons from your property.

We’ll teach you simple strategies using everything from reflective surfaces to predator decoys, ensuring these birds stay away for good.

Plus, we’ll discuss the best techniques for keeping them away from your property long-term. So don’t wait any longer. Watch now and say goodbye to those pesky birds!

What are Pigeons?

Pigeons are medium-sized birds, usually about 11 to 14 inches in length.

They have plump bodies with short necks and small heads that appear to be attached directly to their bodies. Pigeons’ wingspan ranges from 24 to 28 inches.

They weigh about 9 to 13 ounces. These birds have a unique appearance with their iridescent feathers, which glimmer in different colors depending on the angle of light.

In general, pigeons come in shades of gray and brown, but some species may even have white or black feathers. They also have bright red eyes and reddish feet with sharp claws, enabling them to perch on ledges and buildings effortlessly.

Pigeons are social birds that often gather in flocks around public spaces like parks or plazas. They tend to be clumsy when walking due to their short legs but can fly up to speeds of about 77 MPH!

Pigeons also communicate through cooing sounds that vary based on their mood – they coo loudly when happy or excited but make soft murmurs when distressed or frightened.

Pigeons have a reputation for being a nuisance due to their tendency to gather in large flocks and make themselves at home in urban areas.

These birds are notorious for leaving their droppings everywhere, defacing buildings with corrosive excrement that can cause damage to paint and stonework.

They also carry diseases that can harm humans, making them a public health risk. Moreover, pigeons can be noisy creatures, cooing and flapping their wings loudly as they go about their business.

This constant noise can disrupt the peace of neighborhoods and disturb residents trying to relax or sleep. In addition, pigeons often build nests in hard-to-reach places like rooftops and air conditioning units, which may require professional help to remove.

While pigeons may seem harmless, they can become a nuisance due to their messy habits and potential health risks.

As such, property owners must take steps toward controlling pigeon populations to maintain a clean and safe environment for everyone involved.

What are the Natural Ways to Rid Your Property of Pigeons?

1. Use reflective surfaces

Reflective objects such as glass and old compact discs can reflect sunlight, interfering with birds’ eyesight and causing confusion. This reflection is a problem for pigeons who are attracted to these surfaces.

When the sun hits these surfaces at certain angles, it creates a glare that can disorient the birds’ direction sense. As a result, they may end up colliding with these objects or getting lost.

One effective way to eliminate pigeons is to install reflective tape or foil balloons in areas where they frequent. The reflective tape creates an optical illusion that scares the birds away from your home.

Foil balloons produce a similar effect but are more visible and attractive to birds due to their shiny surface.

These devices work best when placed around buildings or gardens where pigeons gather. Try these materials to repel pigeons without harmful methods such as poisons or traps.

Not only are they safe for the environment and other wildlife, but they are also affordable and easy to install.

With persistence and regular maintenance, you can keep your property free from pesky pigeon droppings while ensuring these beautiful creatures find safer places to roost.

2. Remove food sources

One of the most effective ways to eradicate pigeons is to remove their food sources.

Pigeons are attracted to areas where they can find food. So, eliminating potential food sources will discourage them from sticking around. Start by removing bird feeders or bird baths in your yard.

They attract pigeons and other birds. Next, ensure that all outdoor trash cans have tight-fitting lids and are emptied regularly.

Pigeons are notorious scavengers and will happily feast on food scraps in an unsecured garbage bin. Clean up spilled or discarded food from outdoor eating areas such as patios or decks.

In addition, you can also remove seed sources like plants in your home to keep these birds away.

Eliminating potential food sources for pigeons can make your property much less attractive to these pesky birds and encourage them to move elsewhere.

3. Plant herbs that repel pigeons

Pigeons are pesky birds that can cause a lot of damage to your property and carry diseases.

Fortunately, there are several ways to repel them, one of which is planting herbs that they find unappealing. Rosemary is an excellent addition to your culinary dishes but also has a strong scent that pigeons dislike.

Planting rosemary on the perimeter of your garden or around window sills can help deter these birds from perching. Lavender is another excellent herb that repels these birds.

Its aroma or fragrance confuses and irritates their senses, making them less likely to stick around.

Additionally, pigeons hate the smell of mint more than any other herb. Growing mint in pots near areas where pigeons congregate, such as balconies or terraces, will keep them at bay.

Incorporating these herbs into your garden or balcony space can create a natural barrier against pigeons. Remember to take care of these plants so they thrive and continue repelling pest birds for years!

how to get rid of pigeons

4. Install realistic-looking predator decoys 

One effective way to ward off pigeons is by installing realistic-looking decoys in the area. It can include fake owls, hawks, snakes, and even cats.

These animals are natural predators of pigeons and will send them packing.

They will give them the impression of danger and force them to stay away from your property. Choose a scarecrow that looks as realistic as possible to scare off the pigeons.

Look for models with lifelike eyes, feathers, and movement features such as wings flapping or heads turning in the wind. When installing these decoys, ensure you place them in visible areas where they can be seen by pigeons flying overhead.

Change their position every few days to avoid birds becoming used to them and losing their effectiveness over time. Installing multiple decoys around your property can also improve their effectiveness at deterring pigeons.

5. Seal your attic, chimney, and other openings

Another effective way to prevent pigeons from nesting in your home is to seal any openings they can use as entry points. Pigeons can squeeze through tiny openings, so it is crucial to be thorough when patching your home.

Some common areas where pigeons may enter include attic vents, damaged roof tiles, and chimneys. To seal your attic, inspect the area thoroughly and identify any possible entry points.

After identifying these areas, use a sealant like caulk or foam to fill in any cracks or gaps. You can also seal these openings with metal or mortar.

Additionally, consider installing bird netting over vents or other entries that cannot be sealed with a sealant. When fixing your chimney, ensure to cover all flues with a cap that has mesh screening.

It prevents birds from entering the chimney but allows smoke and gas to escape safely. In addition, make sure that there are no gaps around the base of the chimney where pigeons could potentially enter.

6. Use sloped sheathing

Slope sheathing can prevent pigeons from roosting and nesting on your roof.

Pigeons prefer flat roofs as they provide the perfect habitat for building their nests. The slope makes it difficult for pigeon droppings and debris to accumulate, which can help deter pigeons from roosting in the first place.

You can use this sheathing on other areas where pigeons congregate, such as ledges, windowsills, balconies, and building facades.

This method makes it difficult for birds to perch or land on these surfaces due to the angle of the slope. As a result, the pigeons will have to find alternative locations more suitable for their needs.

Overall, this method is eco-friendly for deterring pigeons without harming them. It provides a long-term solution that prevents pigeon infestations and keeps your property clean and hygienic.

If you’re looking for a humane and effective way of getting rid of pigeons naturally, consider using this sheathing today!

7. Install bird spikes

Bird spikes are an effective and humane way to keep pigeons away from your property.

These spikes discourage birds from roosting or nesting on ledges, roofs, and other flat surfaces. They create a physical barrier that prevents birds from landing or perching.

Choose the appropriate type of spike for your property when installing bird spikes. To install bird spikes – clean the area so that no debris or droppings remain.

Then apply an adhesive or drill screws into the surface for more permanent installation. Be sure to cover the whole area where pigeons might land or perch.


Ridding your property of pigeons with natural methods is humane and effective.

With the appropriate measures and consistency, you can get these pesky birds to fly away and never return. From using reflective surfaces to sealing entrances, you can discourage pigeons from nesting on your property.

Next time these feathered fiends try to take over your space, don’t panic. Arm yourself with these tips and tricks for natural pigeon control. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

So, don’t wait until the pigeon population explodes before taking action. Be proactive and save yourself from a whole lot of coo-ing chaos! Your sanity (and your property) will thank you!

Happy pigeon-proofing!

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