How to Get Rid of Waterbugs in Your House Using Natural Remedies? 

water bugs

Have you ever found a creepy crawly nightmare scuttling across your bathroom floor?

Water bugs, AKA cockroaches, can be real drain dwellers! If these unwelcome guests have turned your home into their water park, don’t despair!

This article is your ultimate guide to a water bug-free haven, achieved naturally. It explores safe, effective methods to send those water bugs packing.

From creating your DIY traps with surprising pantry staples to using the power of diatomaceous earth, a natural powder that dehydrates these water-loving pests, we’ll show you everything you need to reclaim your living space.

If you are ready to create a pest-free haven for you and your family, grab a spray bottle, and let’s banish those water bugs from your home for good! 

What are Water Bugs? 

Water bugs, AKA giant water cockroaches or toe-biters, are impressive creatures that inhabit freshwater habitats worldwide.

These insects can grow up to 4 inches long, with a long, slender body and powerful legs adapted for swimming.

Their coloration varies from dark brown to black, providing excellent camouflage in their watery environments.

One striking feature of water bugs is their piercing mouthparts which they use to inject venom into their prey before sucking out the bodily fluids.

These pests are formidable predators with a voracious appetite for small aquatic creatures like tadpoles and fish fry.

They can also fly and enjoy basking in the sunlight on vegetation near the water’s edge.

Despite their fearsome appearance and predatory habits, water bugs play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance by controlling populations of smaller aquatic organisms

What are the natural ways to eliminate water bugs in your house? 

1. Clean and declutter your home 

A cluttered kitchen, bathroom, or basement can be a breeding ground for water bugs.

These pests thrive in dark, damp environments, making it crucial to keep these spaces clean and organized.

Start by decluttering your kitchen cabinets and pantry to remove food sources that may attract water bugs.

Clean and scrub all surfaces in your bathroom to eliminate moisture build-up that attracts pests.

When it comes to the basement, keep this area well-ventilated and dry.

Consider using dehumidifiers or fans to prevent excess moisture that could invite water bugs inside.

By proactively cleaning and decluttering these areas, you create a healthier living environment and reduce the risk of pesky water bugs in your home. 

2. Fix leaks and dampness 

Dealing with leaks and dampness in your home is crucial for your health and the integrity of your property.

Water leaks can lead to mold growth, causing respiratory issues and allergies, and can attract pests like water bugs.

To address this issue effectively – identify and fix water leakage sources promptly.

Dampness provides the perfect breeding ground for water bugs, so keeping moisture levels in check is vital.

Place dehumidifiers in damp areas to deter these pests. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices where water bugs may enter your home can further prevent infestations. 

3. Mix baking soda and sugar 

Baking soda and sugar are an excellent combo to rid your house of waterbugs.

Sugar attracts the pests while the baking soda disrupts their digestive system, leading to their demise in about fifteen hours.

This method is safe around pets and children, making it a great alternative to harsh chemical pesticides.

To create this potent mixture – combine equal parts of baking soda and sugar in a bowl and place it near areas where you see water bug activity.

Regularly replace the substance to renew its effectiveness in eliminating these unwanted pests from your home.

Deploy this simple yet potent concoction to tackle water bug infestations without exposing yourself or your loved ones to harmful chemicals. 

4. Use boric acid and sugar 

Boric acid and sugar can be a surprisingly effective combo when dealing with water bugs in your house.

The sweetness of sugar acts as bait, attracting the bugs, while the boric acid works its deadly magic once ingested.

This method is natural, inexpensive, and safe for use around pets and children when used well.

The key to success with this mixture is to ensure the boric acid is well-distributed in the sugar bait.

You can also create a paste or solution with these two ingredients and place it in areas where water bugs hide.

This approach targets the pests directly at their food source, offering an efficient and long-lasting solution to infestation problems. 


5. Spray essential oils 

Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree can repel water bugs in your house.

These powerful scents act as effective deterrents for pests and provide a refreshing and invigorating aroma throughout your home.

Peppermint oil is famous for disrupting the insects’ sensory receptors, causing them to avoid areas where it is sprayed.

Eucalyptus oil carries antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate potential nesting sites for water bugs, making your environment less hospitable for them.

Meanwhile, tea tree oil boasts strong antifungal and antibacterial qualities that combat existing bug issues and prevent future infestations.

Add a few drops of these oils in a spray bottle with water and apply generously where water bugs hide.

Embracing these essential oils in spray form can be a natural and pleasant way to maintain a bug-free living space while reaping the added benefits of their therapeutic scents. 

6. Combine vinegar with water 

When tackling water bugs in your house, a simple yet effective natural remedy involves combining vinegar with water.

This powerful solution disrupts the scent trails these pests use to communicate with each other, deterring them from entering your space.

Mix with water and spray in areas where water bugs are active. It will create a barrier that repels them and discourages their presence.

Moreover, the acidity of vinegar interferes with the respiratory systems of insects like water bugs, making it difficult for them to breathe.

This dual-action approach helps annihilate existing pests and prevents future infestations.

So next time you spot a water bug scurrying across your floor, reach for the vinegar and water spray bottle to show these unwanted guests the door! 

7. Scatter coffee grounds 

Coffee grounds might seem like a peculiar substance to fight off water bugs, but this natural remedy is surprisingly effective.

The strong scent of coffee repels insects like water bugs, making them less likely to venture into your living space.

Additionally, the abrasive texture of coffee grounds can deter bugs from walking across treated areas.

Not only does scattering coffee grounds provide a natural and chemical-free solution to combat water bugs, but it also serves as a sustainable option for pest control.

Reusing coffee grounds, otherwise thrown away, is eco-friendly while keeping unwanted critters at bay.

Next time you brew a fresh pot of coffee, consider saving the grounds to create a bug barrier around your home. 

8. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth 

If you’re looking for a natural and effective way to tackle water bug infestations in your house, consider using diatomaceous earth.

This fine powder cuts and dehydrates insects upon contact, making it a powerful tool against water bugs.

Sprinkle it in areas where water bugs frequent, such as bathrooms or kitchens, to create an inhospitable environment for these pests.

One of the key advantages of using diatomaceous earth is its non-toxic nature, making it safe around pets and children.

This method is also environmentally friendly and won’t harm beneficial insects in your home.

For best results, ensure that the diatomaceous earth remains dry, as moisture can reduce its efficacy against water bugs. 

9. Set sticky traps 

Sticky traps are a popular method for tackling water bugs.

These traps lure water bugs with baits as they wander around looking for food or shelter.

Placing these traps near entrances, cracks, and other areas where water bugs are active can significantly reduce their population in your home.

Moreover, sticky traps are safe for humans and pets, making them an environmentally friendly solution to your water bug problem.

One key advantage of sticky traps is their simplicity – you only need to place them and let them do their job.

Sticky traps can also provide insight into the scale of your water bug infestation.

If you notice multiple bugs in a single trap consistently, it may indicate an infestation that requires further action. 


Seeing water bugs in your house can be a nightmare. But tackling them doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or expensive treatments.

You can eliminate these pesky critters with natural remedies like essential oils, vinegar, and diatomaceous earth.

With patience and persistence, you will create a bug-free environment for you and your family in no time.

Remember to maintain cleanliness and seal off any entry points to prevent future infestations.

So say goodbye to water bugs and hello to a bug-free home! Get ready to reclaim your space and live bug-free by trying these natural remedies today! 

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