How to Get Rid of Snakes Around Your House and Yard Naturally? 

how to get rid of snakes

Did you know that the fear of snakes, Ophidiophobia, is one of the most common phobias in the world?

Even though these slithery creatures might creep you out, they’re usually just passing through in search of a meal or shelter.

But that doesn’t mean you want them hanging around your house! If you spot a snake around your yard, don’t grab a shovel just yet.

This article is all about keeping snakes away from your home and yard!

We will show you some surprising methods that are safe for you, your pets, and even the snakes themselves. We’ll cover all the classics, like eliminating their food sources and hiding spots.

We will also share some unexpected tips you might not have heard before. From using household items to strategically planting specific repelling plants, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s the thing: even if you don’t see any snakes right now, prevention is key! Taking proactive steps can create a snake-free haven and allow you to enjoy your outdoor space with peace of mind.

Whether you’ve had a close encounter with a serpent or want to prevent future surprises, this video has everything you need to create a snake-free zone!

So, stick around, and let’s make your yard a human-friendly haven! 

Now, let’s talk about the natural methods to keep snakes away from your living space; 

1. Eliminate food and water sources 

So, you want those pesky snakes to slither away from your property? Well, one sly trick is cleaning up any food sources lying around. Snakes aren’t picky eaters, so even a tiny crumb can attract them.

Seal your trash cans tightly and ensure it’s free of any tasty morsels. Oh, and don’t forget about that bird feeder – it’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for those sneaky serpents.

Rodents are snakes’ favorite, so it’s time to evict them from your property. Seal up any cracks or crevices that mice and rats can sneak through. And don’t forget about your furry friends – their food can attract rodents.

So, make sure there are no leftovers to share. It’s either you feed your pets during the day or remove their bowls before darkness falls. Snakes have a keen sense of smell – they’ll sniff out a meal faster than you can say hiss-tory.

Next on the agenda is removing standing water sources that thirsty snakes can’t resist. Fix leaky faucets and hoses that create a snake-watering hole paradise in your backyard.

If you have bird baths or pools, consider installing a small fountain or pump to keep the water moving – snakes aren’t big fans of swim meets!

So say goodbye to free meals and drink fountains; it’s time to starve those unwanted guests out of your yard! 

2. Remove hiding spots 

Snakes love a good hide-and-seek game, but we’re not here to play along. Start by decluttering your yard – toss out those piles of wood, rocks, and debris that make excellent snake condos.

Snakes are all about that out-of-sight, out-of-mind lifestyle, so be ruthless in clearing out cozy corners and dark crevices.

Next up. It’s time to play detective and uncover any nooks and crannies where these slithery foes might be scheming.

Check under porches, decks, and bushes – anywhere a master of camouflage could lay low undetected.

In the battle against backyard serpents, the best offense is a lack of defense for their secret hideouts! 

3. Cultivate snake-repelling plants 

Has snake invasion got you hissing with frustration? Fear not, for nature has given you mighty allies in the battle against these slithery intruders.

Marigolds have vibrant blooms and a repulsive scent. They are not just a treat for the eyes but also a powerful deterrent for snakes.

Lemongrass, often found in Asian cuisine, doubles as a handy weapon in your anti-snake arsenal thanks to its citrusy fragrance that repels these reptiles faster than you can say scaredy-snake.

Don’t underestimate the humble mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) – its sharp leaves may give your nosy mother-in-law a run for her money.

But they will also send snakes packing even faster! And let’s not forget about wormwood, the mysterious herb with silver foliage and a bitter aroma that sends shivers down any snake’s spine.

Don’t wait for Indiana Jones to come to the rescue – plant these natural snake repellents and watch those serpents slither away faster than you can say Hiss-toric victory! 

how to get rid of snakes of garden and yard

4. Introduce natural predators 

Now, let’s talk about how Mother Nature can come to the rescue when dealing with unwelcome snake guests – natural predators! Yes, a few critters out there see snakes as nothing more than a tasty snack.

Take our feline friends, for example. Cats are notorious hunters who can make quick work of any slithery intruders in your yard.

Other predators include raccoons, pigs, and foxes. Birds of prey also deserve some credit in the pest control department.

Hawks, owls, turkeys, and guinea hens have keen eyesight and powerful talons, making them formidable foes for snakes.

So, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly solution to your snake problem, maybe it’s time to call upon these feathered warriors to lend a wing (or two).

Just remember – when it comes to enlisting natural predators, sometimes you’ve got to fight fire with feathers and furs! 

5. Soak rags in ammonia and drop them around your home 

Who knew a common household item like ammonia could be your secret weapon against pesky snakes invading your home and yard?

This simple yet effective method involves soaking rags in ammonia and placing them around your property to deter those slithery intruders.

The smell of ammonia is a powerful repellent for snakes, making them think twice before entering your space.

So next time you spot a snake lurking around, don’t panic – reach for some rags and ammonia to show them who’s boss.

Not only is this method natural and humane, but it’s also a cost-effective way to keep these unwelcome guests at bay.

Say goodbye to snake sightings with this clever hack that will have those reptiles heading for the hills in no time! 

6. Mix clove and cinnamon oil 

Mixing clove and cinnamon oil could be your secret weapon to ward off snakes from your home. These potent essential oils have a strong scent that snakes find unpleasant, making them an effective deterrent.

Combine these oils in a spray bottle and apply the mixture around the perimeter of your house or areas where snakes frequent to create a barrier that sends those slithery intruders packing.

Plus, it will make your home smell delightful with hints of spice and warmth. You can easily protect your outdoor spaces with a few drops of clove and cinnamon oil mixed with water or carrier oil.

Embrace the power of nature’s scents to keep these unwelcome guests away while enjoying the therapeutic benefits of using essential oils for pest control.

So next time you spot a snake lurking around, reach for your DIY clove-cinnamon blend and watch as they flee in search of less spicy pastures. 

7. Chop some garlic and onions 

As you embark on your mission to banish those slithery neighbors, don’t underestimate the power of a humble garlic and onion combo.

Chop them up like a pro chef preparing a top-notch dish, and scatter them around your yard. Snakes may have legendary senses, but even they can’t resist the potent aroma of this duo.

It’s like setting up a gourmet restaurant for them – only to find out they’re not on the guest list!

So, channel your inner Master Chef and whip up a garlicky surprise to make those serpentine intruders slither away in dismay! 

8. Mix lime with hot pepper or peppermint oil 

If you’re looking for a spicy solution to keep those slithery visitors at bay, mixing lime with hot pepper or peppermint oil might be the fiery concoction you need.

The pungent aroma of these ingredients is like a “do not disturb” sign for our legless friends – they’ll surely think twice before crossing that border.

So why lime, you may ask? Besides adding some zest to your snake-repelling strategy, lime’s acidity can also disrupt the reptiles’ senses and deter them from cozying up in your space.

When paired with the scorching heat of hot pepper or the cool minty, freshness of peppermint oil, it’s like creating a sensory overload obstacle course that snakes would steer clear of.

Who knew keeping the serpents away could be as simple as whipping up a zesty concoction straight from your kitchen cabinet

9. Spray some vinegar 

Spraying some vinegar may seem strange in the battle against snakes.

But trust us, it’s more effective than you’d think. Snakes have a strong sense of smell, and the pungent odor of vinegar can disrupt their navigation and communication systems.

But remember, not all vinegars are created equal in the eyes (or noses) of snakes. Opt for white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar for maximum effect.

And don’t be shy with the spraying – give those sneaky serpents a thorough dousing to send them slithering away in search of fresher air.

Now, you can confidently declare your territory snake-free and enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about surprise guests! 


So, there you have it – Nine natural remedies to send snakes packing from your house and yard. You can enjoy a snake-free environment by implementing these simple methods.

Remember to keep your surroundings clean and tidy, eliminate hiding spots, use essential oils strategically, and make your property less appealing to these slithery creatures.

With a little effort and creativity, you can coexist peacefully with nature’s fascinating reptiles while safeguarding your space.

So go ahead, try out these snake-repelling techniques, and reclaim your territory from unwanted visitors! 

3 thoughts on “How to Get Rid of Snakes Around Your House and Yard Naturally? ”

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