How to Get Rid of Rats Naturally? 


Are you sick of playing cat and mouse with those pesky rodents? Rats may think they’re clever little devils.

But we’re about to prove them wrong with our natural remedies arsenal!

This video is your ultimate guide on how to kick rats out of your home using natural methods! From peppermint oil to sealing entry points, we’ve got all the rat-fighting tricks up our sleeves.

Say goodbye to squeaking nightmares. And hello to a rat-free sanctuary!

Don’t allow these furry critters to rule your kingdom. Watch now and reclaim your space! 

What are Rats? 

Rats are small to medium-sized rodents that belong to the genus Rattus. These animals have slender bodies with long, scaly tails almost as long as their bodies.

Rats have short ears and a pointed snout, which gives them a distinctive appearance. Their fur can vary in color, ranging from brown and gray to black or white.

Rats can range from about 6-18 inches, including their tail. The average weight of an adult rat is around 7 ounces to 2 pounds. Despite their relatively small size, rats are agile and can squeeze through tight spaces due to their flexible bodies.

Rats are nocturnal creatures, implying they are most active at night. They have excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell, allowing them to navigate their surroundings.

Even so, rats are highly-intelligent animals that possess strong problem-solving skills. These rodents are social animals that live in colonies or groups called packs or mischief.

They exhibit territorial behavior by marking their territory using urine or other glandular secretions and communicate through vocalizations like squeaking or chirping sounds. 

Rats can pose threats to humans in various ways.

They are carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, and salmonella. Besides, they can contaminate food and water sources with their feces and urine, making them a health hazard.

They can also damage property by gnawing on wires, structural elements, and personal belongings. These problems are why you have to take preventive measures to eliminate infestation as soon as possible. 

What are the Natural Methods to Eliminate Rats? 

1. Peppermint oil or plant 

Peppermint is a plant that can germinate in various environments, making it an effective natural remedy to get rid of rats.

Its strong scent is a deterrent for these pests, as they find the odor overwhelming and unpleasant.

Planting peppermint around your property or placing dried peppermint leaves in areas where rats are present can create a natural barrier.

This barrier will discourage them from entering your space. In addition, peppermint oil also has properties that repel rats. The essential oil in peppermint contains compounds such as menthol and pulegone, which are toxic to rodents.

When ingested or inhaled by rats, these compounds disrupt their nervous system and can even lead to death. This quality makes it an effective and humane way of exterminating rats without resorting to harmful chemicals or traps.

Soak a few cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in places where you’ve noticed rat activity. You can also drop these cotton balls around your home to create a barrier.

Peppermint offers other benefits as a rat repellent. It is a safe alternative for households with children and pets since it poses no risk.

Peppermint has antimicrobial properties, which implies that using it as a rat repellent will help keep your home clean and free from potential diseases transmitted by these pests.

Finally, incorporating peppermint into your pest control routine can prove highly effective against rats while providing additional health benefits for you and your family. 

2. Black pepper 

Black pepper is not only a popular spice in the kitchen, but you can also use it as a natural remedy against rats.

The pepper can deter rats due to its strong odor and taste, preventing them from infesting your home.

You can sprinkle black pepper powder around areas where you suspect rat activity, such as near entry points or corners of your house.

The smell will repel the rodents and discourage them from entering your living spaces.

Another way to use black pepper is to mix it with water to create a spray solution.

Fill a spray bottle with water and add a generous amount of black pepper powder. Shake well to mix the constituents.

Then, spray this solution around areas where you have seen rat droppings or evidence of their presence.

The strong scent of black pepper will make these areas unattractive for rats, causing them to look for alternative locations away from your property. 

3. Bay leaves 

Bay leaves are a popular ingredient in cooking, and you can also use them as a natural deterrent for rats.

These aromatic leaves emit a strong, unpleasant scent to rats, deterring them from entering your home or garden.

The essential oils in bay leaves contain compounds like eucalyptol and cineole, which can repel rodents. When rats come into contact with the scent of bay leaves, they avoid those areas altogether.

Besides, the sharp edges and rough texture can be uncomfortable for rats to walk on, further discouraging them from venturing into spaces protected by bay leaves.

Place bay leaves in areas where you suspect rat activity, such as near entry points or nesting sites. Another way to use bay leaves to deter rats is to create a homemade sachet.

get rid of mice and rats

Fill a small cloth bag with dried bay leaves and tie it. Place these sachets around your home or garden, particularly where you have seen signs of rat infestation.

The smell of the bay leaves will discourage rats from approaching these areas, keeping them at bay. In addition to their repellent properties, bay leaves have antiseptic properties that can prevent the spread of diseases from rats.

This quality makes them an ideal natural solution for keeping your home safe and rodent-free. 

4. Onions 

Onions can be a powerful natural remedy to eradicate rats.

These vegetables contain compounds that emit strong odors, which rats find repulsive.

Placing onion slices or chopped onions in areas where rats are present can deter them from entering your home. The smell of onions will make the rodents perceive the area as unsafe and unattractive, leading them to seek shelter elsewhere.

One effective method is to place onion slices near rat entry points, such as holes or cracks in walls, floors, or foundations.

The odor will act as a deterrent and discourage rats from using these openings to gain access to your house.

Another option is to scatter chopped onions around areas where you suspect rat activity, such as garbage cans or storage spaces.

This way, the pungent scent will permeate the surroundings and create an unfavorable environment for rats. 

5. Introduce predators 

Predatory animals such as cats, dogs, and owls can help control rat populations by hunting and killing them.

Cats are skilled hunters that catch rats effortlessly.

Owning a cat or encouraging neighborhood cats to roam around your property can be an excellent way to deter rats from settling in your area.

A cat’s presence alone can deter rats from coming near your property, as they will sense the potential danger. Another predator that can help eliminate rats is the owl.

Owls are nocturnal hunters that prey on small mammals, including rodents like rats.

Attracting owls to your area through nesting boxes or perches can encourage them to hunt and feed on rats. Owls have silent flight and excellent vision, making them highly efficient at catching rats.

However, introduce predators responsibly. Do it with proper consideration for the safety and well-being of the animals involved and any potential prey species present in the area. 

6. Seal entry points 

Another effective method to eliminate rats is to seal any potential entry points in your home.

Rats can enter through even the tiniest cracks and holes.

So, it is crucial to inspect your house thoroughly. Examine the exterior of your home and check for gaps around windows, doors, and vents.

Use weather stripping or caulk to seal these openings. Next, focus on sealing the foundation of your home. Look for any gaps or cracks in the walls or flooring and use a combination of wire mesh and concrete or expanding foam to fill them up.

Don’t forget about areas where pipes and utility lines enter your house.

Seal those areas properly. In addition, pay attention to the roofline, as rats can climb tree branches or vines to access your attic.

Trim back any overhanging branches that could serve as a bridge for rodents. Finally, don’t overlook small spaces like crawl spaces or garages – seal them tightly.

These preventive measures will reduce the chances of rats getting into your home. 


Eliminating rats may require a bit of creativity and persistence.

But it is possible. Implementing these natural remedies and preventive measures can keep those pesky rodents at bay without harmful chemicals or inhumane methods.

Remember, rats are intelligent creatures adapted to survive in various environments.

So, you should stay one step ahead of them.

You can reclaim your space and enjoy a rat-free life with patience and cleverness. So go ahead! Put these tips into action and bid farewell to those unwelcome furry guests once and for all!