How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats Naturally?

how to get rid of mice and rats

Mice and rats are pesky creatures that can wreak havoc in your home.

They rummage through your things, make a mess, and can even carry diseases. But there are ways to get rid of them naturally without using harmful chemicals.

This article will show you how. So watch now and learn how to get rid of mice and rats naturally!

What are Mice and Rats?

Mice and rats are two of the most common household pests in the world.

Though they may seem similar, there are significant differences between these two rodents. Mice are small rodents with pointed noses, long tails, and small ears.

They are typically brown or grey. Plus, mice are good climbers and can fit through tiny spaces. Rats are larger than mice, with blunt noses, short tails, and large ears.

They can be brown, black, or grey – Rats are good climbers but cannot fit through as small spaces as mice. Both mice and rats can cause damage to your home and property.

They gnaw on wires and wood, which can create fire hazards or cause structural damage. These pests also spread disease through their urine and feces.

Mice and rats can spread diseases to humans by droppings, contaminating food, or biting humans. They carry various diseases, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), plague, and rat-bite fever.

These diseases can be deadly, so take precautions if you think you have come in contact with them. You can reduce your risk of exposure by sealing up any holes in your home that could allow mice or rats inside.

What are the Natural Ways to Eliminate Mice and Rats from the Household?

1. Eliminate food sources

One of the most effective ways to eliminate mice and rats is to eliminate their food sources. Mice and rats are attracted to areas where food is available. So by getting rid of food sources, you can get rid of rodents.

If these pests can’t find anything to eat, they’ll eventually starve to death. This method is popular in agricultural settings, where mice and rats can wreak havoc on crops.

Another reason why eliminating food sources work is that it can prevent these pests from reproducing. If there’s not enough food for them to survive, they won’t be able to produce offspring.

This development will eventually lead to the extinction of the species in that area. Ensure all foodstuffs are well stored.

It implies keeping food in airtight containers and ensuring there’s no food left out on countertops or in pantries.

You should also regularly clean up any crumbs or spills that might attract rodents.

2. Get rid of potential nesting sites

Mice and rats like to nest around dark, secluded areas, so getting rid of clutter and debris in your home can help deter them. A few steps can help eliminate potential nesting sites for mice and rats.

First, seal up any holes or cracks in your walls and ceilings. These animals can squeeze through tiny openings, therefore, ensuring there are no gaps they could exploit.

Second, clear away any clutter from your basement or attic. Remove anything that might provide shelter for rats and mice. This shelter includes piles of lumber, boxes, newspapers, old clothes, or other debris – anything that might make a cozy spot for a rodent to nest.

If you have a cluttered basement or garage, clean it up to discourage rodents from taking up residence. Keep your yard tidy and free of overgrown vegetation where they could hide.

Finally, keep food stored in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.

These rodents are looking for places to build their nests. So, if they can’t find any, they will move on. Eliminating potential nesting sites can make your home much less attractive to these pests.

3. Get a cat

A rat or a mouse can become a big problem in your home if you don’t have a cat. Mice and rats are attracted to food sources and often try to get into your pantry or cupboards.

You likely have a mouse or rat problem if you notice droppings in your kitchen. The best way to send them packing is to introduce an enemy.

A cat can help with this because they are natural predators of mice and rats. If you have a cat, there is no need to worry about mice and rats in your home.

Cats will chase away any rodents that come near your house. They are also great at hunting rodents that are already inside your home.

4. Use iron or gum traps

Traps can eliminate mice and rats by asphyxiating them. These traps work by the animal stepping on a metal plate, which then closes, sealing the animal inside.

The animal then suffocates from a lack of oxygen. Iron or gum traps are one of the most effective ways to eliminate mice and rats. Iron traps are one of the most common methods for getting rid of mice and rats.

An iron trap is a device that uses a spring to snap a metal bar down on an animal, killing it instantly. The trap is baited with food or another attractant. And when the animal steps on the trigger, the spring is released, and the bar snaps shut.

Alternatively, gum traps use sticky gum to capture mice and rats. Place the gum on a piece of cardboard or other surfaces, and the mouse or rat becomes stuck when it tries to walk across it.

These traps are worth considering if you’re looking for a natural way to eliminate mice and rats.

5. Sprinkle some hot pepper or chili solution

Hot peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin which is an irritant to mammals. When ingested, it causes burning and inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat, and stomach.

Hot pepper solutions eliminate mice and rats because the animals cannot tolerate the capsaicin and will avoid areas where they have been sprayed.

To use hot pepper as a repellent – sprinkle it around the surfaces where you’ve seen rodents or where they’re likely to enter your home.

Reapply the pepper every few days, but it’s a safe and effective way to keep rodents away.

If you have pets, keep them away from the treated areas, as capsaicin can irritate their skin and eyes.

6. Use clove oil

Clove oil may be your best bet if you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of mice and rats. Clove oil is a natural repellent for these pests and is also effective in eliminating them.

It works because it contains eugenol. This compound is toxic to these pests and will quickly kill them.

There are a few ways to use clove oil to get rid of mice and rats. You can apply it to their nests or add it to their food. Either way, the oil will repel the pests and eventually kill them.

You can also soak some cotton balls in this oil and place them in areas where you see rodents.

7. Spray some ammonia solution

One of the most common ways to get rid of mice and rats is through ammonia solutions. Ammonia is highly toxic to rodents, and when used in high concentrations, it can kill them quickly.

However, ammonia solutions can be dangerous to humans and pets when abused. Mix the solution properly when using ammonia solutions to repel mice and rats.

Dilute the ammonia using a ratio of one part ammonia to ten parts water.

After mixing the solution, spray the solution around the areas where these pests are seen or heard. It will repel and keep them away for good. You can also place its containers around the affected areas, such as in cupboards or under sinks.

Punch holes in the containers so that the fumes can escape. Please, place the containers out of the reach of children and pets.


Getting rid of mice and rats naturally is not as difficult as it may seem.

With knowledge and the right tools, you can get rid of them for good. If you have a mouse or rat problem, don’t hesitate to employ these methods.