How to Get Rid of Houseflies at Home?

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Are you tired of houseflies constantly buzzing around your home? Do you want to get rid of them at home without using harsh chemicals? If so, you’re not alone!

This informative video will show you how to get rid of houseflies at home using simple techniques. We’ll discuss the different ways to get rid of houseflies and give you tips to prevent them from coming back in the future.

Watch the video and learn how to do everything from trapping them to killing them humanely. Finally, take action and get rid of houseflies for good! 

What are Houseflies?

Houseflies are small, black flies that live in damp areas such as kitchens and bathrooms.

They can be a nuisance because they often lay eggs on surfaces people touch, like countertops and dishes. These insects congregate around food and often fly into people’s faces or contaminate food.

They have a wingspan of about 1/4 inch and are attracted to foods high in sugar or protein.

It’s the reason why they are often found near garbage cans or in kitchens. House Flies can spread disease because they land on food and transfer bacteria from their feet to the food.

To get rid of houseflies – you can use a fly swatter or an electric bug zapper.

You can also try using natural insecticides like diatomaceous earth or neem oil.

What are the Natural Ways to Eliminate House Flies?

1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural product made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic creatures called diatoms. In other words, it is a fine, white powder made up of the fossilized remains of algae.

The exoskeletons of these diatoms are composed of a naturally occurring substance called silica. When ground up into a fine powder, this silica can be used as an effective insecticide against many common household pests, including houseflies.

The powder is sharp and abrasive, and when it comes into contact with an insect’s exoskeleton, it punctures and dehydrates the insect. This feature makes diatomaceous earth an effective natural insecticide for killing houseflies.

To use diatomaceous earth – sprinkle a small amount of the powder around where flies are commonly seen, such as windowsills, doorways, and garbage cans.

The powder will kill any fly that comes into contact with it. You may need to reapply the diatomaceous earth every few days to keep flies from returning. 

2. Neem Oil

If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of houseflies, neem oil may be the answer. Neem oil is derived from the Indian neem tree and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.

It’s effective against a variety of pests, including houseflies. It is safe to use around children and pets and is gentle on the environment.

The oil has a strong smell that repels the insects and kills them on contact. Neem oil disrupts the fly’s life cycle, preventing it from reproducing.

Here’s how to use it – Add a few drops of neem oil to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray the mixture around your home, paying attention to areas where flies are known to congregate, such as near garbage cans or pet food bowls.

You can also make a trap using neem oil and honey. Combine equal parts honey and water in a bowl and add a few drops of neem oil.

Place the bowl near areas where you’ve seen flies, and they will be attracted to the sweet smell of the honey. 

3. Salt and Turmeric

This simple household combination can help you get rid of pesky flies quickly. The salt acts as a dehydrator, causing the fly to lose moisture and eventually die.

Meanwhile, Turmeric is an irritant, causing the fly to leave your home in search of relief. To use this natural fly-killing method, mix equal salt and turmeric and sprinkle it around your home where flies are a problem.

You can also put some of the mixtures in a small dish and set it near where flies tend to congregate. 

4. Pepper and Salt

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get rid of houseflies, your best option may be pepper and salt. You can use this common kitchen condiment to make a simple fly trap that will keep your home fly-free in no time.

To make your pepper and salt fly trap – start by mixing equal parts pepper and salt in a bowl.

Then, add just enough water to make a paste. Next, place the paste on paper or plastic wrap and shape it into a ball.

Finally, place the ball in an area where flies are known to congregate and wait for them to get trapped and die!

5. Ginger

Ginger is one of the oldest and most versatile spices. In addition to its culinary and medicinal uses, you can use it to eliminate house flies.

The pungent root has long been used as a natural insecticide, and it’s easy to see why. Ginger is known to repel flies and other insects, making it the perfect solution for your fly problem.

Add a few slices of fresh ginger to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray this mixture around your home, paying attention to areas where flies tend to congregate.

You can also place slices of ginger in bowls around your home to keep flies away. If you’re not a fan of the smell of ginger, don’t worry – the scent will dissipate quickly.

And once it does, you’ll be able to enjoy your fly-free home.

6. Clove 

Clove is a spice for exterminating house flies because it kills them on contact. This spice kills house flies because it contains eugenol, a compound that is toxic to insects.

To use cloves, place a few cloves around your home where you see the most activity. The flies will be attracted to the cloves and die when they ingest the eugenol. 

7. Basil

The basil plant is a popular choice for home gardens. Not only does it add flavor to dishes, but it can also help repel pests. Basil plants emit a strong smell that deters many insects, including houseflies.

Place potted basil plants near entryways and windows to make the most of this pest-repelling quality. You can also try hanging fresh basil leaves in strategic locations around your home.

In addition to deterring house flies, basil can also help eliminate them if they’re already inside your home. Place a few leaves in a bowl and set it out where you’ve seen the most activity. It will send them packing. 

8. Eucalyptus Oil 

Eucalyptus oil may be the answer if you’re looking for a natural way to keep your home free of pests. This essential oil is derived from the eucalyptus tree and has a variety of uses, including as an insect repellent.

The oil contains a chemical called eucalyptol, which is toxic to insects.

When applied to surfaces where flies land, the oil will kill them. Eucalyptus oil is safe for humans and pets, making it a good choice for getting rid of houseflies in your home.

This oil can serve as house fly repellent in a few ways. You can add a few drops to an oil diffuser or humidifier or create a DIY fly spray by mixing eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle.

In addition, you can add eucalyptus oil to lotions or other products you apply to your skin.

9. Lavender Oil 

Lavender oil is an effective way to get rid of houseflies. It is a natural insecticide that can kill and repel house flies.

The oil is extracted from the lavender plant and is a non-toxic, eco-friendly way to get rid of these pests.

Houseflies are attracted to the strong scent of lavender oil and will fly into the oil, becoming trapped and suffocating. This oil is most effective with other methods like trapping.

It will help achieve the complete eradication of these pests. Add a few drops of lavender oil to a cloth or paper towel and place it near where the flies are congregating.

The flies will be attracted to the scent of the oil and will eventually die. You can also mix the oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it around the areas where you see houseflies. 


Eliminating house flies isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

You can exterminate these pests from your home using the various methods mentioned earlier. With patience and little effort, you can enjoy a fly-free environment in no time.

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