How to Get Rid of Fleas in the House Naturally?

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Are you tired of dealing with fleas in your home?

Fleas can be a real nuisance, and getting rid of them can be tricky and challenging. This video will show you how to wipe out fleas in your house without damaging the environment.

We’ll show you some simple tips and tricks to help identify the source of the fleas, target their hiding spots and eliminate them without using harsh chemicals or sprays.

From natural repellents to vacuuming techniques, everything you need to know is right here! So if you’re looking for an easy, natural way to keep your home flea-free, don’t miss out on this helpful video!

What are Fleas?

Fleas are small, wingless insects that measure about 2.5 millimeters in length.

They have flat and narrow bodies, adapted for movement between the hairs or feathers of their hosts. Fleas come in different colors, ranging from brown to dark red, and you can identify them by their long hind legs.

These legs enable them to jump up to 100 times their body length. Fleas are persistent pests because they can survive without a host for several months.

However, once they find a host, they feed on its blood multiple times. Female fleas lay eggs on the host’s skin or fur, which then fall off onto carpets, bedding, and furniture, where they hatch into larvae within two weeks.

Despite their tiny size, fleas can cause various health problems, such as skin irritation and allergic reactions in humans and pets. Therefore it is crucial to eradicate them from your home through natural methods.

What are the Ways to Eradicate Fleas from Your Home?

1. Vacuum your floor, bedding, and furniture regularly

Vacuuming is a simple yet effective way to eliminate fleas in your house.

Fleas can easily hide and breed on the floors, bedding, and furniture. Therefore, you must vacuum these areas regularly to prevent a flea infestation. Be sure to use a strong vacuum with good suction power.

This vacuum can pick up even the smallest of debris.

After vacuuming, dispose of the waste properly by emptying the dirt bag or canister into a sealed plastic bag. Don’t forget to throw it away in an outside trash bin or burn it. It ensures that any fleas or eggs collected during vacuuming do not return to your home.

2. Steam clean your furniture and carpets, and wash your bedding in hot water

One of the most effective ways to crush fleas is by steam cleaning your furniture and carpets. Fleas can infest these areas, especially if you have pets that spend a lot of time on them.


Steam cleaning removes flea eggs and larvae and kills adult fleas on contact. The high temperature of the steam penetrates deep into the fibers of your carpets and upholstery, extinguishing all fleas and their eggs.

Washing your bedding in hot water is another simple yet effective method to kill fleas naturally. Fleas can lay eggs anywhere in your home, including on bed sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.

Washing them in hot water above 95 degrees Fahrenheit can kill all stages of fleas – from eggs to adults – without using harsh chemicals or pesticides that could harm you or your pets.

Don’t forget to dry everything on high heat as well! Overall, steam cleaning your furniture, carpets, and bedding is an excellent remedy for eliminating fleas in the house.

These methods kill adult fleas and their eggs while avoiding harmful chemicals commonly found in commercial flea treatments. With consistent use over time, these natural flea control techniques will help keep those pesky pests at bay!

3. Bathe and groom your pet at least once a week

Bathing your pets at least once a week is one of the most effective ways to extinguish fleas in the house. Fleas thrive in warm, humid environments and use pets as their primary mode of transportation into homes.

Regular baths with gentle pet shampoos will help remove fleas from your pet’s coat and prevent them from bringing more fleas into your home.

Additionally, brushing your pet helps distribute natural oils throughout their fur, making it harder for fleas to attach themselves.

When you groom your pets, it’s also critical to pay attention to their ears since fleas like dark, moist environments.

Clean their ears at least once weekly with a cotton ball dipped in apple cider vinegar or diluted hydrogen peroxide.

Bathing and grooming your pet are essential steps in controlling a flea infestation naturally. Eradicating fleas requires consistent effort over several weeks or months since flea eggs can survive up to six months without hatching.

4. Spray your pet with citrus

Fleas are a common problem for pet owners, and many people turn to harsh chemicals to get rid of them. However, natural alternatives can be just as effective without the potential risks to your pet’s health.

One such option is spraying your pet with a citrus solution. Citrus is a natural flea repellent because fleas hate its scent. Mix some freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice with water in a spray bottle and use it on your furry friend’s coat.

Avoid their eyes, nose, and mouth when applying the spray. This method keeps fleas at bay and leaves your pet smelling fresh and fruity.

Additionally, using citrus is a safer alternative for pets that are allergic or sensitive to chemical flea treatments.

So next time you’re battling fleas in your home, try citrus spray for an all-natural solution that’s easy on you and your furry friend!

5. Sprinkle hiding spots with diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth is an effective and natural way to eliminate fleas in the house. It is a powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, which are tiny aquatic organisms.

The microscopic particles in diatomaceous earth act as abrasive agents that scratch the fleas’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die within a few hours.

To use diatomaceous earth for flea control, sprinkle it over carpets, furniture, and other areas where fleas may be present. Let it sit for several hours before vacuuming the powder with any dead fleas.

You must wear a mask while applying it as it can irritate your lungs if inhaled excessively. While diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and pets, you should only use food-grade quality diatomaceous earth in your home.

This type of diatomaceous earth has been processed differently than industrial-grade versions to ensure that it does not contain harmful chemicals or additives.

Food-grade quality will help ensure its effectiveness and safety when used around your family and pets.

6. Spray some essential oils around the house

Essential oils have become a popular remedy for eliminating fleas in the household. You can use various essential oils, but some of the most effective ones include lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemongrass.

These oils eject fleas and other insects with their strong scents. To use essential oils to remove fleas in the house, add a few drops to a diffuser or mix with water in a bottle and spray areas where you suspect flea activity.

Moreover, you can mix them with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before applying them directly onto your pet’s fur. The carrier oil prevents them from harming your pet.

While essential oils are generally considered safe for pets, it’s always best to check with your veterinarian before using any new products on your furry friends.

While this method can repel fleas, it may not completely eradicate an infestation. Use it with other flea control measures, such as regular vacuuming and washing bedding.

7. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural and effective way to eliminate fleas in the house. You can use it as a spray or add it to your pet’s water bowl. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Spritz the solution on your pet’s fur and bedding, as well as on carpets, furniture, and other areas where fleas may be hiding.

The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar will crush and repel fleas from your home while soothing any irritated skin caused by flea bites.

For best results, use raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar containing “the mother,” a strand-like enzyme that provides additional health benefits.

When adding apple cider vinegar to your pet’s water bowl, start with small amounts (one teaspoon per quart) and gradually increase with time.

This way, you can prevent any digestive issues from consuming too much at once. Overall, you can easily keep fleas at bay using apple cider vinegar.


Getting rid of fleas in the house requires a combination of preventive measures and strategic treatment options.

It is crucial to vacuum your home regularly, wash your pet’s bedding frequently, and use natural flea repellents such as diatomaceous earth, vinegar, or essential oils.

These methods are safe for you, your pets, and the environment. You can keep your home flea-free without harmful chemicals or expensive extermination services by following these tips consistently and staying vigilant against fleas.

Remember to keep your pets clean and treat them with flea-repellent products regularly to prevent future infestations.

Also, vacuum and wash your bedding and furniture to remove any remaining fleas or eggs.

You can achieve a flea-free home safe for humans and pets with patience and persistence. So, take action today and enjoy a comfortable living space free from pesky fleas! Besides, your health and furry friend will thank you for it.

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