How to Get Rid of Centipedes in the House Naturally? 

how to get rid of centipedes
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If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night to find a centipede scuttling across your ceiling or floor, you know how frightening it can be.

These creepy crawlies with way too many legs can be unsettling house guests. But did you know despite their scary appearance, centipedes are beneficial predators that gobble up other unwanted insects?

The problem is, you’d probably prefer they do their good deeds outside your home! If you’re ready to turn your house into a centipede-free zone, you’ve come to the right place!

This is your guide to a peaceful, centipede-free home.

We will show you how to use surprising household ingredients to make repellents and powerful substances like diatomaceous earth, a natural dust that disrupts their health.

We will discuss how to make your home uninviting to centipedes and explore natural barriers that centipedes despise.

So grab a flashlight and spray bottle, and let’s turn your home into a centipede-free zone! 

What are Centipedes? 

Centipedes are fascinating creatures with a rather eerie appearance.

They have long, slender bodies segmented into numerous sections, each bearing a pair of legs.

Despite their name (centi meaning hundred), centipedes typically have between 15 to 177 pairs of legs, depending on the species.

These legs give them a quick and agile movement, allowing them to navigate tight spaces. In terms of size, centipedes can vary widely from as small as half an inch to several inches in length.

Some larger species can even reach lengths of up to 12 inches! Their bodies are usually dark brown or reddish-brown, helping them blend seamlessly into their surroundings.

When you disturb or threaten them, centipedes exhibit specific behaviors such as curling up their bodies, releasing foul substances, or running swiftly to escape danger.

They may seem daunting due to their appearance and speed, but they help control other insect populations in the ecosystem. 

So, what are the natural methods to eliminate centipedes from your home? 

1. Seal entry points 

Sealing entry points is crucial in keeping centipedes out of your home.

These elusive creatures can squeeze through the tiniest gaps and cracks, so it’s vital to be diligent in identifying and sealing all potential entry points.

Start by inspecting areas around doors, windows, pipes, and vents for gaps or openings that could invite centipedes to come inside. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal these entry points.

This approach keeps centipedes out and helps with energy efficiency by preventing drafts. Besides, address moisture issues in your home to deter centipedes from seeking shelter indoors.

These proactive measures create a less hospitable environment for centipedes and reduce their presence in your home. 

2. Eliminate household pests that attract centipedes 

When dealing with centipedes in your home, eliminating other household pests that attract them is vital to keep these creepy crawlies away.

Common pests like cockroaches, ants, and spiders are all prey for centipedes, so addressing any infestations of these creatures is essential.

Keeping your home clean and free of these pests will reduce the food source that attracts centipedes.

Taking a proactive approach to pest control by addressing the root causes of the infestation is a natural and sustainable way to keep centipedes at bay. 

3. Declutter and keep your home clean 

Another effective way to keep centipedes and other pests at bay is to declutter and clean your home.

Clutter provides hiding spots for insects, making it difficult to spot potential infestations.

Organizing and reducing clutter makes cleaning easier and prevents pests from finding a home in the nooks and crannies of your living space.

Besides, a tidy environment can positively impact mental health by reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

Regular cleaning routines also help maintain indoor air quality, creating a healthier living space for you and your family.

Moreover, decluttering can be a therapeutic process that allows you to let go of unnecessary items and create an environment more conducive to relaxation and productivity.

Minimalism helps in pest control and creates a harmonious atmosphere where you can thrive. 

how to get rid of centipedes in the home

4. Sprinkle salt 

Sprinkling salt around the perimeter of your home is a simple yet effective way to deter centipedes from entering.

Salts dehydrate these moisture-loving creatures, making them want to steer clear of areas where it’s present.

This natural method helps keep centipedes at bay and prevents them from laying eggs inside your house.

When using salt as a remedy, it’s important to reapply it after rain or any exposure to water, as moisture can neutralize its effectiveness.

Avoid using excessive salt indoors as it may damage surfaces or attract other pests.

Strategically sprinkling salt in entry points and hiding spots for centipedes can maintain a pest-free environment without harsh chemicals. 

5. Cultivate pandan leaves 

Pandan leaves are beneficial for adding a unique flavor to your dishes but can also keep centipedes at bay.

These fragrant and vibrant green leaves are easy to grow in tropical climates, making them a perfect addition to your garden.

To cultivate pandan leaves – plant a well-rooted cutting in rich, well-draining soil and place it in a sunny spot with regular watering.

Pandan leaves are ideal for repelling centipedes due to their aroma, which deters these pests from invading your home.

Place potted pandan plants near entry points or windowsills to create a natural barrier that keeps centipedes away.

Its presence adds a refreshing scent to your living space, enhancing the ambiance while serving as a natural pest control solution

6. Scare them away with citronella 

A powerful method to ward off centipedes from your home is using citronella (AKA lemon grass).

Many people have long recognized this fragrant plant due to its ability to repel insects, including centipedes.

Placing citronella plant pots, candles, or oil diffusers around your house creates an unbearable barrier for centipedes.

Centipedes rely heavily on their senses to navigate their surroundings, and the potent aroma of citronella can disrupt their ability to locate prey or shelter within your home.

The refreshing citrus scent adds a pleasant aroma to your living space while deterring unwanted pests like centipedes.

Employ the power of nature’s repellents, such as citronella, to maintain a centipede-free environment without harmful chemicals or pesticides. 

7. Spray essential oils 

Essential oils like tea tree and peppermint can be a game-changer in your battle against centipedes.

Not only do these oils have potent natural insect-repellent properties, but they also leave your home smelling fresh and inviting.

Centipedes detest the strong scent of these oils, making them an effective deterrent when sprayed in problem areas.

Tea tree oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that repel centipedes and keep other pests at bay.

Meanwhile, peppermint oil has a cooling effect that disrupts the centipede’s sensory receptors, causing confusion and driving them away.

Add 25 drops of these essential oils in a spray bottle with 6 ounces of water. Shake and apply around doorways, windows, and other active areas to send these pests away.

You may have to repeat the application weekly for maximum effect.

Including these essential oils in your regular cleaning routine or making a DIY spray can create a hostile environment for centipedes while promoting a healthier atmosphere in your home. 

8. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth 

Diatomaceous earth is like laying down sharp razors that centipedes do not see coming.

This ultra-fine powder may seem harmless to us, but for centipedes, it’s a dreaded obstacle course they cannot navigate.

As they slink across the treated area, the sharp edges of diatomaceous earth slice through their delicate exoskeletons, leading to dehydration and demise.

This natural solution taps into the power of Mother Nature herself – you don’t need chemicals or harsh substances.

Harnessing the gentle yet lethal properties of diatomaceous earth rids your home of unwanted pests in an environmentally friendly way.

So next time you spot a centipede scurrying across your floor, sprinkle some diatomaceous earth and let nature take its course. 


Centipedes may be scary, but Mother Nature has blessed us with simple methods to kick those crawlies out of your house.

From essential oils to diatomaceous earth, you have a range of options to choose from.

Remember to keep your environment clean and clutter-free to prevent them from returning.

With persistence and creativity, you’ll soon enjoy a centipede-free home once again.

So roll up your sleeves, get ready to banish those unwanted guests, and reclaim your space! 

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