How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Spiders in Your House Naturally? 

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Did you know a brown recluse spider bite can leave a wound that takes months to heal and sometimes even leaves a nasty scar? Yikes!

These shy spiders might not be aggressive, but their venom packs a serious punch.

If you’ve spotted a brown recluse in your home (and let’s face it, nobody wants that!), don’t grab the shoe just yet!

Today, we will show you how to banish brown recluse spiders from your living space.

You’ll learn various remedies, from creating your DIY spider repellents with surprising household ingredients (think vinegar – a natural spider kryptonite!) to using the power of diatomaceous earth, dust that disrupts their waxy coating and dehydrates them.

We’ll also teach you how to make your home uninviting to brown recluses in the first place.

Think strategic decluttering to eliminate hiding spots and clever sealing techniques to block entry points.

By the end of this video, you’ll be a pro at obliterating brown recluse spiders, equipped with the knowledge to create a safe and spider-free haven for you and your family.

So grab a flashlight (spiders love the dark!), and let’s turn your home into a brown recluse no-go zone! 

What are Brown Recluse Spiders? 

The brown recluse spider, AKA Loxosceles reclusa, boasts a distinctive physical appearance that sets it apart from other arachnids.

Typically measuring around 0.25 to 0.5 inches in body length, these spiders have a violin-shaped marking on their cephalothorax, earning them the nickname fiddleback spiders.

Their eight eyes are arranged in pairs, and fine hairs cover their body, giving them a velvety appearance.

Despite their small size, brown recluse spiders exhibit fascinating behaviors that make them intriguing and potentially dangerous.

These shy arachnids prefer dark and secluded areas like closets, attics, and basements where they can remain hidden during the day.

They are nocturnal hunters with a venomous bite that can cause necrotic lesions in humans if provoked or threatened. 

What are the natural methods to eliminate brown recluse spiders? 

1. Spray vinegar 

Vinegar is a humble household item and can be a powerful tool in your mission to rid your home of brown recluse spiders.

Mix equal vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray in infested areas to create a natural repellent that kills spiders and eliminates their scent trails.

The acidic nature of vinegar disrupts the spiders’ sensory systems, making them less likely to stick around in your living spaces.

Vinegar is an eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemical pesticides that can harm humans and pets. Its pungent smell may be off-putting to spiders, but it is safe for the environment and your family.

Regularly spraying vinegar along baseboards, corners, and other spider-prone areas can create a barrier that discourages brown recluse spiders from settling in your home.

Embrace this simple yet effective method as it aligns with sustainable living practices while ensuring the safety of your loved ones from harmful spider bites. 

2. Block potential entry points 

A crucial step in sending brown recluse spiders packing from your house is to block potential entry points.

These sneaky arachnids can enter through tiny cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and foundation walls.

Seal these entry points with caulk or weather stripping to prevent unwanted spider guests from wandering inside.

Inspect the exterior of your home for any openings that could serve as an access point for brown recluse spiders. Look for gaps around utility pipes, vents, and electrical wiring.

Addressing these potential entryways will help keep spiders out and improve the overall energy efficiency of your home.

Remember, a proactive approach to blocking entry points is maintaining a spider-free environment in the long run. 

3. Eliminate food sources 

Removing food sources is vital in controlling the presence of brown recluse spiders in your house.

These spiders are attracted to other insects like crickets, flies, and ants, which serve as their primary food source.

Proper sanitation practices such as regular cleaning and removing clutter can reduce the number of prey insects available for brown recluses to feed on.

Taking these proactive measures to eliminate food sources for brown recluse spiders creates an inhospitable environment that encourages them to seek shelter elsewhere. 

4. Declutter your home 

A cluttered home is not just an eyesore; it can also provide hiding spots for pests like brown recluse spiders.

Decluttering your living space can help not only in creating a more organized and visually appealing environment but also in reducing spider-friendly habitats.

Start by tackling one room at a time, sorting items into keep, donate, or discard piles.

Consider investing in storage solutions such as bins or shelves to maintain a clutter-free space after decluttering.

Moreover, decluttering can have significant mental health benefits by reducing stress and anxiety associated with a messy living area.

A clean and organized home has been linked to improved focus and productivity, making it easier to manage household tasks efficiently. 

how to get rid of brown recluse spiders

5. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth 

Imagine a natural solution to combat unwanted visitors in your home that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals or expensive exterminators.

Enter diatomaceous earth, a powder-like substance with incredible pest control properties.

Applying diatomaceous earth around entry points and hiding spots can harm these spiders, deterring them from camping in your living space.

This fine powder cuts and dehydrates these arachnids until they die.

Diatomaceous earth is effective against brown recluse spiders, and it’s also a versatile household remedy for various pests like ants, bed bugs, and cockroaches.

It’s fascinating to think about how a simple compound derived from fossilized algae can have such potent insecticidal properties.

Deploy the power of nature through diatomaceous earth to rid your home of unwelcome critters and contribute to a healthier environment for yourself and your loved ones. 

6. Place citrus peels in their trail 

Another natural remedy for repelling brown recluse spiders from your home is citrus peels.

These spiders detest the overpowering scent of citrus, making it an effective deterrent.

Save or collect orange, lemon, or grapefruit peels and place them near entry points or areas where you often spot these spiders.

The high concentration of citric acid in citrus peels wards off spiders, and it’s also a natural cleansing agent for your home.

This method is environmentally friendly and safe around children and pets.

Additionally, the citrus’ fresh aroma will leave your home smelling wonderful while keeping these unwanted pests away.

Try this simple yet effective trick to keep your house spider-free. 

7. Use cedar shavings 

Cedar shavings are excellent for keeping brown recluse spiders away from your house.

Cedar wood contains natural oils that repel spiders, including the brown recluse.

Place cedar shavings in areas where spiders are active, such as closets, basements, and attics, to send these arachnids packing.

The scent of cedar can mask the pheromone trails these spiders rely on for navigation. Cedar shavings can also absorb moisture in damp areas where spiders thrive.

You can add a few drops of essential oils derived from cedarwood to enhance the repellent effect.

Incorporating cedar shavings into your spider control strategy offers a natural solution and creates a pleasant fragrance for your home.

Experiment with cedar shavings in various corners of your home to protect against unwanted eight-legged visitors while enjoying the aromatic benefits of this versatile wood material. 

8. Drop chestnuts 

Have you ever considered using drop chestnuts as a natural way to repel brown recluse spiders in your home?

These spiky nuts may hold the key to keeping these unwanted arachnids at bay.

Chestnuts emit chemicals that spiders find unpleasant, making them an effective deterrent without harmful chemicals.

To use drop chestnuts – scatter them in areas where spiders hide. These areas include corners, windowsills, and entryways.

The odor from chestnuts repels not just brown recluse spiders but other common household pests as well.

Plus, they add a rustic touch to your decor while keeping your home spider-free.

Next time you need a safe and eco-friendly remedy for brown recluse spiders – try chestnuts.

Embrace natural solutions like this to protect your family from harmful chemicals and maintain harmony between nature and your living space.

So why not harness the power of these humble nuts and keep those eight-legged intruders at bay? 

9. Spray essential oils 

Imagine entering a room filled with the refreshing scent of eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender essential oil.

Apart from their aromatic qualities, these oils also possess natural repellent properties that can keep brown recluse spiders away.

Eucalyptus oil has a strong scent that spiders dislike, while peppermint oil contains compounds that repel insects.

Lavender oil smells divine but is also a deterrent for various pests due to its calming aroma.

Mixing a few drops of these essential oils with water or witch hazel in a spray bottle creates an effective homemade spider-repellent solution.

Spritz the corners of your home, windowsills, doorways, and any other entry points where spiders may enter.

This natural approach sends spiders away and adds a pleasant fragrance to your living space. 


Brown recluse spiders are a source of hysteria for many people, and dealing with them can be a nightmare.

Use these natural methods to eliminate these unwanted guests without harmful chemicals.

Remember to keep your home clean and clutter-free, seal potential entry points, and use essential oils or diatomaceous earth as deterrents.

With a little effort and persistence, you can create a spider-free environment that is safe and comfortable for you and your family.

So, go ahead. Channel your inner arachnid warrior, and show those brown recluse spiders who’s boss! 

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