How to Get Rid of Ants Naturally?

get rid of ants

Are you tired of ants invading your home and ruining your day?

Well, this article is for you! This tutorial will teach you how to get rid of ants naturally using safe and environmentally friendly methods.

We will also show you how to prevent ant infestations in the first place. So sit back, relax, and watch the video – you’ll be able to get rid of ants like a pro in no time!

What are Ants?

Ants are a type of insect that is part of the order Hymenoptera and the family Formicidae.

They are a significant pest in all parts of the world and can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Ants are very beneficial to the environment because they help in recycling dead organic matter, and they help us by controlling pest insects.

These insects can be found everywhere and are a part of all ecosystems. However, ants can be dangerous as they can invade your house and cause a lot of damage.

Ants are called ‘honey ants’ as they feed on honey and other sweet substances.

An ant’s body is divided into three parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen.

The head comprises a pair of eyes, antennae, and mouthparts, while the thorax is the middle part of the body. On the other hand, the abdomen consists of the reproductive organs, legs, and wings.

Ants are tiny insects with a smaller size than honey bees. They have six legs, two front legs, and four hind legs.

How to Prevent Ant’s Infestation?

Ants are tiny insects that are very annoying, especially if they invade your house and cause much damage.

You can prevent them from visiting your home by following some simple steps.

First, you must always clean up your mess and spray the surfaces with natural insecticide. You can also use a repellent to keep them away.

Second, you should ensure that your yard is always clean, adequately maintained, and not neglected.

Adding more plants and flowers around the house will help keep them away in the long run. Third, ensure that your kitchen is clean and well-maintained so that you do not leave food sources for ants.

Lastly, keep the garbage cans closed tightly and remove them as soon as possible.

What are the Ways/Methods to Get Rid of Ants Naturally?

1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural and organic substance that acts as a waxy layer on insects, making them unable to move. It is also very effective at killing pests and can be used in many ways.

Diatomaceous earth is a soft, non-toxic substance made from the fossilized remains of tiny algae called diatoms and is composed of a silica crystal structure.

It is available in various forms, including granules, powder, pellets, and blocks. It can be applied directly to the insects or spread on the surface of their nests.

This substance will break down the outer shell of the insects and dehydrate them.

2. Lemon Eucalyptus Plant and Oil

The lemon eucalyptus plant is known for its ability to repel pests and insects. It has a potent leaf compound that can kill insects and other pests that come in contact with it.

The plant also contains oil, which can serve as a repellent and a preventative.

You can mix the essential oil with water and spray it on plants, trees, or structures in contact with the ants.

3. White Vinegar

If you want to use a natural remedy against insects, you can add a little white vinegar to the water you are using for your plants. This substance is known to repel insects and give them headaches.

It will also cut the oxygen that they need. Vinegar is also known as acetic acid, a handy natural ingredient. You can dilute it in water to make a spray that you can use on your plants.

Mix one tablespoon of vinegar with two cups of water to make a homemade spray.

4. Ground Black or Red Pepper

The red pepper is a natural insect repellent and one of the most widely used plants. It has many uses. For example, when you want to make a homemade pepper spray, you can use it in your garden.

The pepper spray will make the insects uncomfortable, making them find it hard to breathe, and they will eventually die. Mix one cup of ground red pepper with five cups of water and then let it sit for 10 minutes.

After that, you can use it as a spray. You can also use the mixture to repel spiders and ants as well.

5. Peppermint

Mint is widely used in the United States. It has a fresh, minty scent and can repel insects.

The minty smell will make the insects uncomfortable, so they will find it hard to enter your house or garden. It is easy to make it yourself. First, you must cut five mints and place them in a blender.

After that, you need to add two cups of water and blend them until they are smooth. You can use this mixture as a spray.

6. Rosemary Garlic

Rosemary is another essential oil that can help you to keep your home free from insects.

The smell of rosemary is potent, and it will repel insects. You can use rosemary garlic at home by adding two tablespoons of olive oil and three tablespoons of pure rosemary essential oil to a blender.

Then, it would be best if you blended the mixture until it’s smooth. You will get a handy spray for your bathroom or kitchen.

get rid of ants

7. Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree oil is very effective in keeping away insects. It contains antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which can help to fight against insect problems.

It contains compounds like terpinene, citral, and limonene. You can make a spray by adding two tablespoons of pure tea tree oil to one cup of water.

Then, it would help if you shook it well until you get a fine mist perfect for home use.

The tea tree oil will keep your home free from insects if you spray this product once a week.

8. Cloves

Cloves are effective against ants because of their sweet solid smell, which repels them. This herb features a compound, eugenol, which kills the ants.

You can add cloves to your food (like in tea) or use it as an insect repellent spray. It is an excellent alternative to the chemicals used in other methods.

You can grind the cloves, add water to the paste, place it in a spray bottle and spray it around your house. The scent will last for about a week, repelling them for a long time.

9. Neem Oil

Another method to get rid of ants is using neem oil. You can use this versatile oil for various purposes, such as killing weeds and pests.

The oil is usually extracted from the neem tree and is a natural pesticide that can kill harmful insects, including ants.

The oil comes in a liquid form, so it will be easier for you to apply it to the ants inside your home.

You can use neem oil directly on the ants or mix with water and then spray it on the ant infestation.

However, you need to ensure that you do not use this oil in the case of children because it can be very toxic.

10. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are one of the most effective natural methods to eliminate ants. This substance contains a compound known as caffeine, which is highly toxic to ants.

A mixture of coffee grounds and other repellants will keep them away for a long period. You can use this ground by sprinkling it around the place that you want to keep ants away from.

First, you should crush the coffee beans and grind them until they are finely ground. You can then add this to a spray bottle and apply it to the ants.

You should check the area every two days and give it another spray if necessary.

11. Boric Acid and Borax

Both of these chemicals are very useful in getting rid of ants. Boric acid and borax are natural pesticides and can eliminate ants from your house and yard.

To use these chemicals, mix half a teaspoon of boric acid or borax in a cup of water.

Spray the mixture on your entire house and yard, including the areas where ants come out of their nests.


There are many ways to get rid of ants naturally, but the best way is to use a combination of methods.

Start by identifying where the ants are coming from and remove any food or water sources they may be using. If you see individual ants, spray them with an insecticide or bait station and watch for the colony to disappear.

If you have a lot of ants, consider hiring an exterminator.