12 Fun Facts About Polar Bears

polar bear facts

Polar bears are one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. They’re massive, they’re graceful, and they’re incredibly adaptable. But how much do we know about them?

In this video, we look at some fun facts about polar bears.

For example, did you know that they can swim for up to 60 miles without taking a break? Or that they can eat up to 100 pounds of food in a single day? Watch this video to learn more about the world’s most fascinating creature.

What are Polar Bears?

Polar bears are one of the largest land mammals on Earth. Their bodies are covered in thick layers of fur, which helps them keep warm and helps them survive in the Arctic Circle.

But that fur also makes polar bears vulnerable to predators such as wolves, eagles, and even humans. Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle, spanning Canada and Greenland.

They spend most of their time living on land, but they sometimes swim into the water to hunt for seals or take a quick dip!

Below are some fun facts about polar bears:

1. Polar bears can swim for up to 60 miles without taking a break

Polar bears have a lot of stamina. These bears can swim for as long as 60 miles without getting tired! They use their claws for swimming.

These claws aren’t just for defense alone, but they also help the polar bear swim faster by decreasing the drag that a bear would have.

By reducing the weight of water that would be dragging them down, they can swim faster. Polar bears are not only good at swimming, but they are also very good at diving.

They can dive up to 1000 feet underwater, swim under ice floes, and quickly get out of the water. While diving, a polar bear can cover 30-40 meters in one second!

2. Polar bears can eat up to 100 pounds of food daily

Polar bears have a very high metabolism and can eat up to 100 pounds of meat per day. They can store large amounts of fat in their bodies, which helps them survive through long periods without food.

These bears can even stay for up to 3 weeks without food. Although they can eat a large amount of food, they still have to get around to find suitable food sources.

Polar bears are also very good at finding their food sources by following their scents using their nose

3. Polar bears are very social animals

Polar bears are naturally not solitary creatures; they require companionship, living in groups. More than any other bear species, they live in groups of up to 30 bears.

These groups are called “pods,” and they are very close-knit.

Polar bears spend their time together grooming each other and playing with each other. They also give birth to their young in the same place where they will raise them.

4. Polar bears have some of the thickest furs in the animal kingdom

Polar bears have some of the thickest furs in the animal kingdom.

Their fur is so thick that it takes a long time to grow, so they have to shed their coats instead of developing new ones constantly. They have one of the most extended hair cycles in the animal kingdom.

Polar bears shed their fur every year and grow a new one. Their thick coat is covered in fat, and this fat keeps them warm in the arctic winter.

5. Polar bears are the only bear species that can swim 

Polar bears are the only bear species that can swim. They use their long, powerful front legs to propel themselves through the ice.

They can swim as fast as they can run (25 miles per hour) and do so quickly. The polar bear is also a powerful swimmer. They can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes and swim for long distances without getting tired. 

polar bear facts

6. Polar bears have an excellent sense of smell 

Polar bears have a solid olfactory sense, which is better than human’s sense of smell. They can detect changes in the environment by scent, and they can also use their sense of smell as a navigation aid.

This feature also helps to hone their hunting skills. Polar bears have a susceptible sense of smell that sniff out their prey, the seals in the arctic region. 

7. Polar bears are fast runners and have incredible stamina

Polar bears can run at a speed of 25 miles per hour and can swim as fast as they can walk. They can sustain this pace for long periods.

This feat is possible thanks to the high aerobic capacity in the bear’s body and its ability to store fat in the winter months. 

8. Polar bears can hibernate

Polar bears can go into a hibernation state, also known as torpor, swimming in icy water. They can hibernate for several months, and the cold temperature can quickly wake them up.

These bears hibernate to save energy to survive the long winter months and do this by going underwater. The bears can go into a state of hibernation thanks to their very high levels of fat stored in their bodies

9. Polar bears have good eyesight 

Polar bears have excellent eyesight, which is one of the reasons why they are such successful hunters. They can see prey from a distance, and they can also see the color of their target with ease.

Their eyes are so good that they can even see the color of the water. This eyesight also helps them spot predators easier, which is very useful in their hunting. 

10. Polar bears have good hearing 

Polar bears have perfect hearing, so they are such successful hunters. They can hear the noises of their prey from a distance, and they can also hear the sound of the ice that is breaking.

They can listen to these sounds even in frigid temperatures. 

11. Polar bears have powerful jaws

Polar bears have a biting force of more than 1,200 PSI. This bite force is the strongest of any other bear species, and it is one of the reasons they are such strong predators.

They have such a bite because they have great muscles and strong jaws, and their canines are incredibly sharp.

These bears can bite through the thick skin of their prey and can also crush the bones.

12. Polar bears have powerful claws

The polar bear’s claws are very sharp and can dig into the ice when hunting for prey. They can also climb trees to understand better what is happening in the area. These feats are possible thanks to the polar bear’s claws.


Polar bears are one of the most amazing animals in the world. These creatures are robust, have a keen sense of smell, and can swim for miles.

They are also very playful and enjoy playing with each other. If you get the chance, visit one of the zoos where they live and learn more about these incredible creatures.