How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers Pecking Your House? 

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Are you sick of waking up to woodpeckers tap dancing on your roof? Say no more!

Join us in this epic video, where we spill all the juicy secrets on how to kick those relentless peckers out of your premises.

From DIY tricks to professional solutions, we’ve got you covered.

Trust us, after watching this, you’ll enjoy a peaceful morning coffee without unwanted birdie serenades. No more holes in sight or disturbances at dawn; it’s time to take control of your domain.

Ready to reclaim your peace? Watch now and bid farewell to those feathered troublemakers! 

What are Woodpeckers? 

Woodpeckers are fascinating birds famous for their distinctive physical appearance and behaviors.

They have sturdy, pointed beaks designed for drilling into tree bark to find insects or create nesting cavities.

Their vibrant plumage often includes a combination of black, white, and red feathers, depending on the species.

In terms of size, woodpeckers can range from 6 to 18 inches in length, with wingspans up to 30 inches, making them relatively compact yet agile flyers.

One notable attribute of woodpeckers is their rhythmic drumming sound from pecking on trees or structures.

This behavior serves various purposes, such as marking territory, attracting mates, or excavating food sources hidden beneath surfaces.

Besides, woodpeckers have specialized adaptations like robust neck muscles and shock-absorbing skulls that allow them to withstand the force generated by their relentless pecking.

However, their constant pecking often constitutes a nuisance around homes

So, how do you eliminate these birds from your premises? 

1. Install visual, shiny deterrents 

Shiny objects often frighten woodpeckers. Reflective objects like Mylar tape, CDs, or aluminum foil confuse and scare away these persistent birds.

The constant movement and bright light flashes create a disorienting environment for woodpeckers, making them uncomfortable and less likely to continue their destructive behavior.

Moreover, incorporating shiny deterrents into your outdoor space protects your home and adds a decorative touch.

These reflective elements can enhance the overall aesthetics of your property while serving a practical purpose in deterring woodpeckers.

Place these shiny objects near the areas where woodpeckers frequently peck to discourage their presence without causing harm to the birds or damaging your property. 

2. Install scare devices 

Installing scare devices like scarecrows, fake owls, and plastic snakes can be a clever way to deter woodpeckers from pecking your house.

These visual deterrents create a sense of threat for the birds, causing them to seek out safer areas to forage for food.

The presence of a scary-looking owl or a realistic snake can trick woodpeckers into thinking that predators are nearby, prompting them to stay away from your home.

Additionally, placing these scare devices around your property can create a barrier and discourage woodpeckers from approaching.

Combining different scare devices helps maximize their effectiveness and cover more ground in deterring those persistent birds.

Remember to move these devices around periodically to prevent woodpeckers from getting used to their presence and becoming desensitized to the threat they pose. 

3. Use noise deterrent 

Another excellent method to deter woodpeckers from your house is by using noise deterrents like wind chimes and hawk calls.

These devices emit loud and disruptive sounds that can startle and discourage the birds from returning to your property.

The sudden noise interrupts their behavior patterns, making them less likely to continue pecking on your siding or roof.

It’s crucial to vary noise deterrents, as woodpeckers may become accustomed to a single sound over time.

Switch between different devices or change the location of the noise deterrent periodically to maintain its effectiveness.

Additionally, combining noise deterrents with other visual or physical barriers can create a more comprehensive strategy for deterring woodpeckers effectively. 

4. Use physical barriers 

Physical barriers, such as wire mesh, offer a practical solution to the persistent problem of woodpeckers pecking at your house.

It’s especially ideal if the birds keep coming to the same spot. Installing wire mesh around vulnerable areas can deter them from damaging your property without causing harm to them.

Creating a physical barrier between the woodpeckers and the surfaces they target can protect your home while respecting their natural behavior.

Moreover, wire mesh provides a long-lasting and sustainable method of preventing woodpecker damage compared to other measures.

As an environmentally friendly option, wire mesh allows for coexistence with these birds while addressing the issue.

It serves as a humane solution that respects your property and the wildlife in your surroundings. 

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers Pecking Your House

5. Remove food sources 

When dealing with woodpeckers, removing potential food sources that may attract these birds will help deter them from pecking your house.

Woodpeckers feed on insects and bugs living in the wood of your home. So, removing these pests can help make your property less appealing to these birds.

Consider using insecticides or calling a professional pest control service to address the root cause of the woodpecker infestation.

Additionally, clean up any fallen fruits or nuts around your property, as they can serve as a food source for woodpeckers.

Keeping your yard tidy and debris-free reduces the chances of attracting these birds to your home. Remember that prevention is vital when deterring woodpeckers.

So, taking proactive steps like removing food sources can go a long way in protecting your property from damage. 

6. Replace rotten wood 

Replacing rotten wood is a crucial step in dealing with woodpecker damage.

Not only does rotted wood attract these birds, but it also weakens the structural integrity of your home.

When replacing rotten wood, ensure you address the root cause of the rot to prevent future infestations.

Consider using pressure-treated or rot-resistant wood for a longer-lasting solution.

Always inspect your home regularly for signs of rot and decay to catch issues before they escalate. Proper maintenance can save you time and money in the long run by avoiding extensive repairs.

Besides, sealing any cracks or crevices in the wood can help deter woodpeckers from pecking at your house by removing potential nesting sites.

Taking proactive measures to replace and maintain healthy wood helps protect your home from structural damage and nuisance wildlife. 

7. Spray Tabasco sauce and water 

If you’re dealing with persistent woodpeckers pecking at your house, a surprising solution involves mixing Tabasco sauce and water.

Spray this unconventional mixture on areas where woodpeckers damage, deterring them from returning.

Tabasco sauce’s spicy aroma and the consistency of water create a potent repellent that can make the surface unappealing for these birds.

Besides, using Tabasco sauce and water as a deterrent for woodpeckers is efficient and eco-friendly.

Opting for natural solutions helps avoid harmful chemicals that may harm other wildlife or the environment.

Next time you face a woodpecker problem, try this simple yet powerful spray to deter them from damaging your home

8. Sprinkle cayenne pepper 

Have you ever considered using cayenne pepper to deter those persistent woodpeckers from your house?

This common kitchen spice is a powerful tool against these noisy intruders.

The fiery heat of cayenne pepper is enough to discourage most birds, including woodpeckers, from causing further damage to your home.

To use cayenne pepper – mix it with water and sprinkle the solution around the areas where woodpeckers are most active.

The pungent aroma and spiciness will irritate their senses and encourage them to seek out friendlier territories.

Moreover, cayenne pepper is a natural and non-toxic solution that won’t harm the birds or your property.

So next time you wake up due to the relentless tapping of woodpeckers, reach for that trusty bottle of cayenne pepper and watch them fly away for quieter grounds. 


Dealing with woodpeckers around your house can be a frustrating and challenging task.

However, implementing strategies like creating noise, installing shiny objects, and repairing damages can help remove these persistent birds.

Remember to stay patient and consistent in your efforts, as it may take some time for the woodpeckers to change their behavior.

With determination and a bit of creativity, you’ll soon be enjoying a peaceful and undisturbed home free from those pesky woodpeckers!

Get ready to say goodbye to those noisy neighbors once and for all! 

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